A WOMAN undergoing chemotherapy has had her long locks shorn to help a children's cancer charity.

And next month Emma Astwood, who is recovering from a breast cancer operation, will have a total head-shave to boost her fundraising efforts.

But while she is helping others, she is also helping herself to stay positive in the face of an agonising wait for DNA results which could herald more surgery in future.

"There is history of breast cancer on both sides of my family and I might at some point have to have both breasts removed," said Emma, 34.

She was diagnosed with the disease on December 11 last year and had surgery just before Christmas. The operation removed the cancer but she is having chemo and radiotherapy as a precaution.

Her hair - which was right down her back - has been cut to a smart bob and donated to the Little Princess Trust, which provides wigs for children throughout their cancer treatment.

Family and friends sponsored the haircut.

Emma, of Sandholme Drive, Thorpe Edge, is also raising money for Leeds-based charity Look Good, Feel Good which helps people cope with the visual effects of cancer - such as hair and eyebrow loss.

"I had my hair cut because I was going to lose it anyway, but it has knocked my confidence," said Emma, who has a 14-year-old son, Harrison. "I have a wig and a hairpiece and bling things up so it's not all about me having cancer."

The head-shave is on March 7 at the Premier Inn at Leeds Bradford Airport where Emma works as a housekeeper. It will be sponsored and Emma will also be making cakes and buns to sell.

"You have to keep busy," she said.

Emma is still not over the diagnosis.

"I will be poorly with the chemo and I am waiting for an appointment for the DNA test. I am just trying to stay positive," she said.

Because of the family history, she said she had always known she would get breast cancer.

"That and the fact I am the unluckiest person ever," said Emma.

"But, hopefully, things are about to change. I have a new man in my life and treatment could see off the cancer."

Anyone who wants to sponsor Emma can contact her on 07526 704874.