THE key points of the new schools action plan are: l All schools to provide the Schools Forum with detailed information on how pupil premiums are spent.

l Alternative methods of measuring pupil progress be explored and tested by schools.

l Schools to engage in partnership working.

l Governing bodies checked and changed to ensure governors have necessary skills and expertise and all councillors be encouraged to become school governors.

l School governing bodies must not condone approval of authorised absence from schools.

l Schools be encouraged to use Parent Teacher Association or other forums to engage with parents and community leaders.

l School partnerships to further develop ways of sharing leadership expertise and quality of teaching.

l Schools Forum to explore the possibility of the council employing a core of skilled and competent teachers to provide an ‘agency service’.

l The council to work with schools’ partnerships at schools with high levels of pupil turnover.

l The council’s human resources department to review policies to ensure there is a less ‘risk averse’ approach tackling school staff vacancies.