Groups in the Scholemoor and Lidget Green areas of Bradford are being invited to make a bid for grants to make a difference in their communities.

The chunks of money can be between £500 and £1,000 and the deadline for applications is August 21.

This round of grants comes as a pre-cursor to £1 million of funding already granted to improve the area as part of the Big Local scheme.

That money has been designed to be used over ten years to make positive long-term changes and will be co-ordinated by the GreenMoor Big Local Community Partnership Board who have been in consultation with residents about what their priorities are for spending.

But for starters the Board has about £5,000 to spend first and wants to hear from any local voluntary and community organisations, based in the Big Local area or on its boarders for projects that involve activities for older people, invest in children and young people, promote a cleaner, greener environment, contribute to a stronger and safer community, encourage health and wellbeing and train up volunteers for other initiatives.

The idea is that the money could help fund worker time, activity costs, venue hire or contribute to overhead costs – and it has to be sprent by the end of December 2013.

The grant funds will be allocated by GreenMoor Big Local Partnership Board and will be administered by Bradford Community Empowerment Network Limited. (CNet).

The giving scheme is a pilot programme for the GreenMoor Community Board before they begin to start spending the Big Local money.

CNet Community worker Muppet said: “This is a great opportunity for groups in the area to get funds to back any events activities or schemes they want to get off the ground this summer for the benefit of the community and people living here. The money is there to make a difference.”

Application forms and criteria guidelines are available from CNet offices or on-line at