Hundreds of houses could be built on farmland at Yeadon, according to a newly-formed action group.

And campaigners are warning residents that time is running out for the area as the deadline for making their views known approaches.

The Save Our Green Fields Residents Group, Nether Yeadon, says more than 600 homes could be built within a square mile of the JCT site – after land was identified for potential development under Leeds City Council’s site allocation plan.

They say residents in Yeadon and Little London are concerned 350 homes could be built on green belt land in the Warm Lane area – in addition to another 320 which already have planning permission within one square mile of the JCT roundabout.

The council has to identify sites for 2,300 houses in the Aireborough area over the next 15 years.

The group says: “While residents understand new affordable housing needs to be built, they feel that all brown field sites and unoccupied houses should be considered first.

“Also the housing needs to be sustainable with plenty of school places.”

Residents are being warned they only have until July 29 to object to the classification.

The group says: “Building on these green field sites will create urban sprawl, destroy historical settlements.”

To contact the group, e-mail saveourgreenfields2