Bradford has fared slightly better in an annual university guide to find the safest and riskiest places for crimes against students.

The independent Complete University Guide, compiled from official police data, ranks Bradford as seventh of ten universities in Yorkshire and Humberside, and 76th out of 96 nationally.

The guide measures reported crimes of burglary, robbery and violence, including sexual offences, per thousand residents within three miles of the main university campus. It includes all crime victims, not just students.

In the year to the end of April 2013, there were 1.10 burglaries per thousand of the population, an improvement from 1.17 the previous year, when Bradford was the third worst in the country. This time it is the fifth worst. Robberies were also down, from 0.09 to 0.07, but violent crime rose from 0.87 to 0.91.

Nationally, Aberystwyth in Wales fared best, while Hull was ranked the worst.

One third of students are estimated to become victims of crime and 20 per cent of student robberies occur in the first six weeks of the academic year.

Bernard Kingston, founder of the guide, said: “Many students, particularly those from overseas, are often not aware of the risks in the areas around their chosen institutions.

“It would be reassuring for university applicants and their parents if such information was readily available from the universities. It is clearly a matter of considerable concern when considering where to study as an undergraduate. Our universities do not exist in isolation from the communities within which they are located, and regrettably crime is a constant presence.”

Sue Kershaw, deputy vice-chancellor at the University of Bradford, said: “It is pleasing to see that the level of crime in Bradford has reduced. In September, new students will enrol at the university from all over the country and we’re proud to be part of a number of initiatives that will assist with both their personal and home safety while living in Bradford.

“The university is part of the Student Safety Group in collaboration with Bradford College, the local Neighbourhood Policing Team, student unions and other partners in the city and have schemes in place in order for our students to be safe on campus and beyond.”

Inspector Vicky Lawrance, who heads the City Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “My team has worked closely with the university and the college on all aspects of crime prevention and this work will continue over the next year.