Dog owners in Shipley and Wrose have been warned to be on their guard after three attempted pet poisonings where police found dog food laced with tablets in five days.

So far the poisonings have led to one dog being taken to vets in a critical condition after eating the meat.

The first report was made to police on Monday when a dog owner on Plumpton Gardens, Wrose, found their family pet fighting for its life outside its kennel.

The dog had a swollen face, black tongue and black gums. It was rushed to a vet’s where it received treatment and has since returned home.

When the animal’s kennel was checked, the owners found a plastic bag containing dog food inside. They called the police, and after inspection it was found to have been laced with tablets.

A day later the poisoner struck the same house, with the owners again finding suspect dog meat on their property, although this time it was not eaten.

A third attempted poisoning was made on neighbouring road Plumpton Lea yesterday, with more tablet laced meat found, seemingly left out for a dog to eat.

Police are investigating the three incidents and have asked anyone with information to contact police on 101 or the RSPCA.

On hearing about the poisonings, local Councillor Vanda Greenwood said: “That’s just so cruel and heartless. I would really ask anyone with a dog to be extra vigilant and try to watch what their dog is eating.

“I know it is difficult because dogs will go after anything lying around, but people need to be extra, extra careful.

“I can’t see any justification at all – no reason for doing something like this and whoever is doing it needs to be caught.

“I’ve got cats myself, and I know they can be like part of the family. It can be very upsetting when a pet gets hurt. I just hope they catch the person before an animal dies.”

News of the dogs being poisoned follows a spate of cat poisonings this summer, including in Eldwick and Queensbury, although the cases have not been linked.