The manager of a bookies stole takings to fund his online gambling habit.

Steven Marren, 27, of North Dean Road, Keighley, stole £13,020 from William Hill Bookmakers in Swadford Street, Skipton, between April 30 and June 16, Skipton magistrates heard yesterday.

Marren put the money into his own bank account and used it to visit online gambling sites.

Prosecuting, Hilary Reece said he was caught out following an investigation by the company.

Marren admitted theft by employee.

In mitigation, Maria Temkow said: “He was working very long hours at Skipton, sometimes 60 hours a week for the minimum wage of around £16,000 and with no overtime. He was getting more and more depressed.”

Magistrates committed him to Bradford Crown Court for sentencing.