A short-film about the problems facing Keighley’s youth will be filmed at various locations across the town this weekend.

The Lund Park Community Group hope their short film, Bottle, will give a voice to young people who may normally go ignored.

They started three days of filming yesterday and are working in Lund Park, local pubs and the police cells in the town’s civic centre.

David Halsall, one of the group’s members and script writer, hopes the film reflects the frustration many school leavers feel when faced with the prospect of unemployment and living off handouts. Young people within the group have had input into the entire process, and much of the film is based on aspects of their lives and growing up in Keighley.

He said: “We are trying to tell a story about being young and unemployed in a Yorkshire mill town. Most of these kids can’t really articulate themselves, so this film will give them that chance.”

The main role of Lee will be played by 21-year-old Lewis Todd, from Oakworth, while Emma Hughes from Bradford will play his girlfriend.