A brother and sister who attacked a woman and her uncle as she celebrated her 21st birthday were spared an immediate jail sentence.

Tanya Stather, 25, hit Samantha Kellett on the forehead with a glass or bottle while she was on the dance floor at her birthday party.

Bradford Crown Court yesterday heard Stather was upset by a comment she thought Miss Kellett had made.

Miss Kellett’s uncle, Heath Kellett, pushed Stather away. Her brother, Andrew Stather, 23, punched him to the floor and repeatedly kicked him in the head.

The incident took place last November at the British Queen, in Huddersfield Road, Low Moor.

The parties were ejected.

Miss Kellett, who was described as having special needs, was treated at hospital for a superficial wound to her forehead.

Her brother suffered a wound to his nose and cuts and bruises. Ray Singh, representing Tanya Stather, of Durlston Grove, Upper Wyke, Bradford, said she had been in a violent relationship which resulted in her former partner being sent to custody for seven years.

Andrew Stather, of Dane Hill Drive, Holme Wood, Bradford, and his sister both pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding.

They were both given a nine-month prison sentence, suspended for a year, with 100 hours of unpaid work and ordered to pay £300 each to their victims.