A farmer died after being run over by his own tractor in a tragic accident, an inquest has heard.

Philip Hughes, 82, was crushed beneath one of the wheels of his “pride and joy” tractor at Carr House Farm, in Wyke, on August 30.

Bradford Coroner’s Court heard yesterday that Mr Hughes’s three-tonne tractor had a mechanism on its side so the engine could be turned on from outside the cab.

Mr Hughes used this mechanism to turn the ignition, but the tractor was in gear and lurched forward, trapping him underneath, the inquest heard.

Witness Debbie Walton, who was at the farm in Carr House Lane on the day of the accident, said in a statement that Mr Hughes had always lived and worked there.

She said he had owned his tractor for about 20 years and it was his “pride and joy”.

“He went out to potter about like he always did,” she said.

“I looked outside and saw the tractor moving. I knew something was wrong as I couldn’t see Philip.

“I went outside and saw Philip’s body under the tractor.”

She said Mr Hughes was still conscious and she asked him what had happened.

“He replied, ‘The tractor’s run over me’,” she said.

“I eventually managed to drag Mr Hughes away from under the wheel.”

She said she then managed to sit him on a chair.

She said: “Philip kept saying the tractor had run over him and cut his jaw. His head was bleeding badly.”

Mr Hughes was rushed to Bradford Royal Infirmary, where he died later that day.

The cause of death was an injury to his heart caused by the crushing of his chest, the inquest heard.

Bradford coroner Peter Straker said police investigating the accident found the tractor was in good condition, despite its age.

He recorded a verdict of accidental death.

“I’m satisfied that this was a tragic accident and that is what I shall return,” said Mr Straker