
  • School of Art fire “heartbreaking”

    SCOTLAND’S First Minister said the fire that ripped through Glasgow’s historic School of Art is “heartbreaking” as work began to see if the building can be saved.Nicola Sturgeon said the Scottish Government stood ready to do all that it could to ensure

  • Camera Club photography

    TELEGRAPH and Argus camera club member John Shackleton took this terrific shot in what photographers call ‘the golden hour’ - the hour before sunrise or sunset when the light has a magical quality about it.Meanwhile, Neil Clarke went urban exploring a

  • CCTV images released after bike thefts

    POLICE have released CCTV images of men they would like to identify in connection to a number of bike thefts from the Ilkley and Leeds rail stations.  The first theft happened on June 1 at Ilkley station, when three men approached the cycle rack

  • Fun day for all at Great Get Together event

    A FUN day inspired by the late MP Jo Cox has been held in Baildon today on the second anniversary of her death. The event, at Cliffe Avenue Park, was inspired by the Jo Cox Foundation's 'Great Get Together'.It included live music, a bouncy

  • Hope not Hate event highlights Bradford's diversity

    GROUPS from across the district came together today for the Hope not Hate celebration of Bradford Togetherness. The event included stalls, performances and entertainment, as well as food from across the world to taste.  West Yorkshire Police, the

  • Missing 15-year-old girl found safe and well

    A MISSING 15-year-old girl reported missing has been found safe and well, police have confirmed.  Officers thanked all who shared the appeal for Katie Wickham, who had last been seen in Bradley, Huddersfield, at 12.15pm on Saturday.     

  • British wild cards meet in Ilkley men's qualifying

    TWO of the six Britons who have been awarded wild cards into the men's qualifying at the Fuzion 100 Ilkley Trophy, which starts today, have been drawn against each other. Billy Harris and Finn Bass  will meet in the first round, while former semi-finalist

  • You can't put a price on education

    SIR – Money may always be a factor but the best way to improve education is to value it, in any walk of life. Iain Morris, Caroline Street, Saltaire

  • That's one way to vote for peace and quiet

    SIR – I am fed up of ambulances, police cars and fire engines whizzing by with their noisy sirens disturbing my peace and quiet.  I’m going to start voting Tory so there are less of them. Simon Halliday, Taunton Street, Shipley

  • Whitehaven money mess leads to a huge show of support

    BRADFORD Bulls travel to Cumbria to face Whitehaven tomorrow, but their opponents are currently consumed by much bigger worries than trying to topple the Betfred League One leaders.The club announced earlier this month that they are struggling with grave

  • Memories of Bradford's Brown Muff & Co

    TO many shoppers it is an iconic location.Yet, the potential loss of House of Fraser in the quaint market town of Skipton is, sadly and simply a sign of our rapidly changing times.The closure, affecting 31 of the company's 50 stores, are part of a

  • T&A 150th: War plane crashes into Idle High Street

    The Telegraph & Argus celebrates it 150th anniversary this year and in honour of the occasion we are printing a story from our archives every day for 150 days.Today we look at the Telegraph & Argus Tuesday, 6 May 1941: Do you remember the night of May

  • Life on the Iraq front line, by Bradford writer

    LIVING on the front line in Iraq, observing the war against the Islamic State, is not everyone’s cup of tea.But for the past three years, while lecturing at a university in Kurdistan (northern Iraq), I did precisely that, living with Peshmerga, the Kurdish

  • Concert for Windrush Generation

    A CONCERT will be held in Bradford to mark 70 years since the first wave of immigrants arrived in the UK from the West Indies.The Windrush Generation concert at City Park will take place on Saturday, June 23, from 10am to 7pm.International and local artists

  • Teenager found guilty of starting mill fire

    A TEENAGER has been found guilty of deliberately starting a huge fire that caused £500,000 worth of damage to a Bradford mill.A jury at Bradford Crown Court took just under an hour to convict Hamza Nadeem, 19, of arson, linked to a blaze that engulfed

  • Event to be held to mark Armed Forces Day

    AN event will be held in Bradford's Centenary Square to mark Armed Forces Day.The event, on June 30, will see the city stand together to remember the courage and bravery of the armed forces. There will be a service at 11am at the Cenotaph, followed

  • Peltier: Town defeat was good for Bulls

    IT MAY sound strange but it seems like Bradford Bulls are almost glad that they have lost a match in Betfred League One this season.Ahead of the trip to Whitehaven tomorrow – their first trip to Cumbria since going down 17-16 at Workington Town in early

  • Bulls try star Ryan hopes Whitehaven survive

    ETHAN Ryan may be young in years, but he is long in the tooth when it comes to dealing with cash-flow problems like those being suffered by tomorrow's opponents Whitehaven at the moment.The 22-year-old Bradford Bulls winger, who came through their

  • SMITH: Bulls need to bring 'A' game despite Whitehaven woes

    CAPTAIN Lee Smith praised the hard work of the Bradford forward pack, as they carried the Bulls to a convincing 50-12 victory over North Wales Crusaders.Matt Garside and co. led the Bulls to a dominant display, the only blemish being a second-half spell

  • KEAR: Bulls can learn from Workington woes at Whitehaven

    THIS week we make the long trip to Whitehaven and we have made adjustments to our schedule, as I didn’t think we got things right when we went to Workington earlier in the season.Everything was a bit rushed and we didn’t seem to have time to get our breath

  • Cream of young British crop head to Ilkley

    FOUR of the best young female players in Great Britain have been handed wild cards into the main draw for the Fuzion 100 Ilkley Trophy next week. They are world No 168 Gabriella Taylor, Harriet Dart (198), Katie Swan (216) and Maia Lumsden (428

  • Hope not Hate festival to take place at City Park

    GROUPS from all over the district will come together today for the Hope not Hate celebration of Bradford Togetherness.There will be dancers from Punjabi Roots performing as well as dancers from the district’s Latvian community in traditional costume at

  • Revolutionary new procedure saves life of Silsden stroke victim

    A DISABLED man who thought he was going to die after having a stroke has made a miraculous recovery thanks to a revolutionary procedure.Brendan Wainwright, 54, from Silsden, was rushed to hospital earlier this month after having a life-threatening stroke

  • Revolutionary new procedure saves life of Silsden stroke victim

    A DISABLED man who thought he was going to die after having a stroke has made a miraculous recovery thanks to a revolutionary procedure.Brendan Wainwright, 54, from Silsden, was rushed to hospital earlier this month after having a life-threatening stroke