
  • Call for calm over Rushdie

    Two former Asian Lord Mayors of Bradford have called for "coolness and calmness" as the furore continued about the Government's decision to knight the author Salman Rushdie. Mohammed Ajeeb and Choudhary Rangzeb have urged for restraint by Muslims at

  • Helpline started to answer job queries

    A special phone line has been started for staff at Bradford Council to ask questions and make comments about controversial proposals to axe 408 jobs. The Council, which is planning to trim management and administration posts, says the phone line is "

  • Stabbed man: Two charged

    Two men, aged 36 and 21, have been charged after a man was found with serious stab wounds in Allerton, Bradford. The injured man, who was in his 50s, was found in the doorway of a flat in Rosemary Garden, at 6pm on Saturday. He was taken to Bradford

  • McGrath defends 'farcical' finish

    Yorkshire went to extraordinary lengths to stop themselves from sacrificing half a point in their top-of-the-table LV Championship clash against Sussex which ended in a draw at Headingley Carnegie today. And Yorkshire had the satisfaction of preserving

  • Alcohol seized

    Police caught a group of youngsters in possession of 40 bottles of lager. The four boys, who were all underage, were stopped on Hightown Road, Cleckheaton, on Saturday. The alcohol was seized and disposed of and the boys' details taken. Letters have

  • Man arrested after hitting teenager

    A man was arrested and cautioned after police officers saw him hit a teenager in the face outside Skipton's Matrix Superbowl. They spotted the 25-year-old Keighley man after they were called to Sandylands Business Park to disperse a 30-strong group of

  • Laptop stolen

    Equipment worth £2,500 has been stolen during a break-in at Craven College's Aireville campus. The thieves forced a first floor window, pulled an overhead projector off the ceiling and then stole a laptop, DVD player and audio amplifier. The incident

  • Boy, 16, arrested for being drunk

    Police arrested a 16-year-old boy and sent details of nine other teenagers to anti-social behaviour officers after reports of a large group causing a disturbance. Spenborough Neighbourhood Policing Team officers came across the large group of boys and

  • Richard elected to BCSA position

    The managing director of Bradford steel business Barrett Steel Buildings has been elected president of the British Constructional Steel-work Association (BCSA). Richard Barrett was voted in to the post at the BCSA annual meeting. The BCSA is the UK's

  • City living boost for birthday bar

    A bar is cashing in on the growth of city living in Bradford. Bar twenty 5', on Peckover Street in Little Germany, Bradford, has enjoyed growing custom due to the increase of people living in the area. The bar, which is celebrating its first birthday

  • ‘Be more green and make more money’

    Businesses who are environmentally responsible can not only minimise their environmental impact, but boost their profits. This was the message at a conference today held by Yorkshire Water to help businesses and organisations make the most of their water

  • ‘We want the factory open’

    The fight to keep Bradford's Remploy factory open could be discussed by a Bradford Council committee. Bradford Council's Social Care Improvement Committee chairman, Councillor Amir Hussain, is due to visit the under threat factory tomorrow along with

  • Show is definitely going on

    Idle and Thackley Theatre Group has decided that their show must go on. The group was forced to cancel this year's production of Guys and Dolls due to financial problems - but members were determined to still put on a show. And the variety production

  • George has a starring role in city film bid

    The scene has been set for Bradford to become the world's first City of Film. The bid, which could bring fame to the city, is being backed by actor and writer George Layton. Famous for his parts as Bombardier Solomons in It Ain't Half Hot Mum and for

  • A close shave for customers

    Staff and customers of Asda in Shipley had hair-raising experiences in aid of charity. Male victims stepped up to have their legs, backs, chests and heads shaved as part of Cancer Research's Everyman Campaign to help patients with testicular or prostrate

  • Radio double act are a Wright laugh

    What’s your favourite sports programme? Soccer AM, Boots N’ All, Match of the Day, Aussie Aerobics? The latter might have its knockers but the others… I would argue the most entertaining sports programme isn’t even on tele, it’s on the radio. How many

  • Radio double act are a Wright laugh

    What’s your favourite sports programme? Soccer AM, Boots N’ All, Match of the Day, Aussie Aerobics? The latter might have its knockers but the others… I would argue the most entertaining sports programme isn’t even on tele, it’s on the radio. How many

  • Radio double act are a Wright laugh

    What’s your favourite sports programme? Soccer AM, Boots N’ All, Match of the Day, Aussie Aerobics? The latter might have its knockers but the others… I would argue the most entertaining sports programme isn’t even on tele, it’s on the radio. How many

  • Radio double act are a Wright laugh

    What’s your favourite sports programme? Soccer AM, Boots N’ All, Match of the Day, Aussie Aerobics? The latter might have its knockers but the others… I would argue the most entertaining sports programme isn’t even on tele, it’s on the radio. How many

  • Countess to open school's £1.5m centre

    The Countess of Wessex will visit Bradford on Thursday to view the latest development at an inner-city school. She will officially open a new vocational skills centre at Laisterdyke Business and Enterprise College before taking part in an informal discussion

  • 'Wethers can be our captain marvel'

    David Wetherall will wear the captain's armband for City again next season. Stuart McCall has already decided that the hugely-experienced defender will slip back into the skipper's role he took on from his new boss. Wetherall appointed Mark Bower

  • Your chance to quiz McCall at fans' forum

    Stuart McCall makes his first public appearance as the new City manager in a fans' forum at Valley Parade tomorrow night. McCall will answer questions along with new joint chairman Mark Lawn, who is keen to reintroduce the question-and-answer sessions

  • Vainikolo plans to go try-crazy

    Record-chasing Lesley Vainikolo has put his try duck behind him, revealing: I'm after seven against Rhinos! The legendary Bulls hitman missed out on a farewell touchdown against Hull in his emotional Grattan Stadium send-off. Gloucester-bound Vainikolo

  • 'Retro' design for new City home kit

    Surridge Sport marketing and graphic designer Gemma Honeyman believes City fans will be in for a surprise when the new home kit is officially launched on Friday, July 6. But don't worry - the sacred claret and amber colours will remain. After consulting

  • Boat users face new 'drink-sail' rules

    Pleasure boat enthusiasts, including narrowboat users on the Leeds-Liverpool canal, are facing a drink-sail alcohol limit for the first time. The Government intends to prosecute amateur mariners in the same way as motorists from early next year. And

  • Drug dealer jailed for 20 months

    A 23-year-old man who was caught dealing heroin and crack cocaine in Bradford has been jailed for 20 months. The city's crown court heard today how John Garth had 17 wraps of the Class A drugs on him, together with £230, when police stopped a Volkswagen

  • MP calls for 'crash-for-cash' action

    An MP is calling for a more Government-led strategy to tackle the increase in staged accidents. Shipley Conservative MP Philip Davies wants to see a UK-wide action plan drawn up to combat the issue, prevalent in Bradford. He is signing a Commons motion

  • Cameras could hold clue to mill blaze

    Fire investigation experts are combing through CCTV footage in a bid to find out what caused a huge blaze at a Bradford mill complex. The cause of the fire at Illingworth Mills, off Thornton Road, which started early on Friday morning, was still unclear

  • Event to focus on COPD

    A Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) awareness day will be held on Wednesday in Centenary Square, Bradford. One in seven people over 45 suffer from COPD. And by 2020 it will be the third commonest cause of death in the world. Bradford has high

  • Hospice needs party help

    Manorlands is seeking a sponsor for its annual garden party. The Oxenhope Sue Ryder Care hospice is appealing for a local business to back the July 8 event. Fundraiser Andrew Wood said: "Thousands of people turn out to the garden party and so it is

  • Teenager arrested after crash

    An injured teenager was arrested after a car was in collision with a lamp post and a stone wall. The collision, involving a Vauxhall Vectra, occurred in Radwell Drive, Bradford, just after 8.15pm on Sunday. A police spokesman said: "Police in a patrol

  • Train pub wins award

    The Keighley and Worth Valley Railway buffet car has won the "pub of the season" award from the local branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) for the third time. Up to three beers are available on hand-pump and a CAMRA spokesman said it won the accolade

  • Dislocation setback for Hussain

    A dislocated shoulder forced bantamweight Jamil Hussain to retire from his British Masters title fight with Welshman Matthew Edmonds. The Bradford boxer felt his shoulder pop out of its socket after throwing a right-hander midway through the third round

  • 02 be in the VVIP area...

    I went to the 02 Wireless Festival at the weekend, ostensibly to watch Kaiser Chiefs but mainly to sit around in the VIP tent drinking Tuborg lager. Celebrities seen in the VIP tent included: Chris Moyles, Edith Bowman, a couple of aforementioned Kaiser

  • Town set for folk festival

    Cleckheaton is holding its 20th Folk Festival at the beginning of next month. The festival, which is one of the country's longest running folk events, is from Friday, July 6, to Sunday, July 8. The weekend gets underway at 7.30pm on the Friday with

  • Arthritis group wants new members

    The Bradford branch of Arthritis Care, a support group for people with arthritis, is looking for new members. The group meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm at Norman Lodge in Odsal. Transport can be arranged using community transport minibuses

  • City-region promotion boost

    A partnership set up to promote the economic well-being of the Leeds City Region - an area which covers Bradford - may soon have its own website and prospectus. The Leeds City Region partnership was formed in 2004 and, in April this year, evolved into

  • Personal landfill site hits its limit

    In the past, when I hit the cereal aisle in our local supermarket, I adopted a devil-may-care attitude, slinging anything and everything in the trolley - corn flakes, cocoa rings, cocoa squares, cocoa hexagons (we go big on chocolate cereals in our house

  • Depressing sight of our city

    SIR - I don't begrudge for a moment the money spent on cleaning up our streets for the visit of the Queen. One usually tidies up before any visitor. I came home from town last week depressed at the sight of Bradford - empty shops, litter, and, most especially

  • Special week

    SIR - I want to tell your readers about a campaign I am supporting, National Childminding Week (June 16-23). As a busy working mum, I know how valuable my own childminder is, not only providing registered childcare to my two children, but also for

  • True democracy

    SIR - As Mr Firth intimated in his letter (T&A, June 9) that with an opinion poll showing 40 per cent concerned with crime, 35 per cent concerned with the NHS and nine per cent concerned with the EU, 60, 35 and 91 per cent must be satisfied with them

  • England beware

    SIR - Most of us did not realise Mr Prescott's failed attempt to split England into regions (for our benefit?) was, in fact, a European directive for member states to organise themselves into regional units. This was entirely a matter for our Government

  • Poor relations

    SIR - My brother in law had his expensive trailer stolen two weeks ago from a highly secure business compound. The police did not come out (lack of resources) they gave him a crime number for insurance purposes. One week ago he was stopped and fined

  • Exact words

    SIR - Your almost perfect correspondent, Phil Boase, has just made another mistake, (T&A, June 14). Churchill's actual phrase was "terminological inexactitude". It may well have been Phil's first mistake since 1938; I think it was about 19.45 when

  • Easy money

    SIR - Do non-smokers understand the sheer hypocrisy of this country and the rest of the EU? Under CAP regulations, billions of all types of money has been paid to subsidise south European tobacco growers and, I see on the internet, phasing out of the

  • The cold facts

    SIR - With all the confidence of a man whose ideas were strongly rejected in the recent elections Philip Bird sneers at a survey that revealed only nine per cent of Britons have strong concerns about the EU. What these Europhiles can't accept is that

  • Weather washes out big weekend

    Disaster struck for Shipley Juniors when their eighth annual five-a-side tournament fell victim to the abnormal weather. The Keybury Alarms-sponsored event was due to be held over the weekend at Sandal Primary School in Baildon. An emergency site meeting

  • Take a look

    SIR - Regarding your item on the Drugs Rehabilitation Centre' off Rawson Road.(T&A, June 12), unlike the police (I've never seen one in that area yet)I spend a lot of time at BCB Community Radio, which is right opposite the centre. I can assure you

  • No quick fix for Third World

    SIR - When Phil Boase criticises Bob Geldof's perpetual bleat for more of our cash to support Africa (T&A, June 13), he is simply highlighting what has been recognised about Third World aid for many years. It has often been described as "poor people

  • Jail junkie payouts an insult

    Even the most liberal of readers will doubtless be shaking their heads at the news that prisoners at Armley jail have been given a whopping £140,000 in compensation... for being forced to give up drugs while on the inside. Decent, law-abiding citizens

  • Union fights education cuts

    Bradford Trades Union Coun-cil (BTUC) and members of the University and College Lecturers' Union have set out their stall against proposed cuts to the adult education service. They argue the cuts would have a disastrous effect on the city and increase

  • Weekend will celebrate veterans

    Bradford will have a weekend to remember to celebrate veterans from all parts of the armed forces at the end of this month. Veterans' Weekend, which has been organised by Brad-ford Council, will be on Satur-day, June 30 and Sunday, July 1. There will

  • Tyersal looking to experience of Fazz

    West Riding County Amateur League top-tier outfit Tyersal have certainly landed on their feet following a change of manager. Last season they were under the stewardship of Mick Watson but he left to take up the vacant role at his former club Eccleshill

  • Police cars damaged in pursuit

    Two police cars were damaged in Thornton Road, Bradford, when they were hit by a car during a pursuit at 11.30am today. A West Yorkshire police spokesman said there were no reports of any injuries and one arrest was made.

  • Metcalfe inspires Farsley again

    Ashley Metcalfe's second big innings in two days saw Farsley claim their third successive win as they beat bottom side Hanging Heaton. After making 49 in the 68-run win over Bradford & Bingley 24 hours earlier, the former Yorkshire opener saw the Red

  • Man safe after arson attack

    A man had to be led to safety from his home by firefighters after an arson attack in the early hours of today. Firefighters received a call to the flats in Steerforth Close, West Bowling, at around 2am. When they arrived they discovered the front door

  • Old boys to compete for charity

    Bradford Park Avenue are organising a former players match against Leeds United as part of their centenary celebrations. The charity event will take place at Horsfall Stadium on a date to be arranged in September. Mick Couzens, Avenue's community development

  • Short conquers hill climb

    Phil Short overcame difficult driving conditions to win at the Barbon Hill Climb event. Torrential rain the previous day had left the track slippery but the Ilkley driver dominated the 1400cc Mod Prod class to finish comfortably clear. Short's next

  • Lake victory for Llewellyn

    Odsal's Liane Llewellyn (Halifax Swimming Club), who organised the British Long Distance Swimming Association's Wykeham Lake Championship, won the women's two-mile race in a time of 54min 31sec. Also enjoying the warm weather was City of Bradford's Ian

  • Sikh drawn at home

    Holders Leeds Sikh, currently third in Dales Council Division A, have been drawn at home to mid-table Shipley Providence in the third round of the Pool Paper Mills Cup on Sunday (1.30). Fourth-placed Mount, runners-up last season, have a tough task at

  • Bradford’s own Alpine railway line

    The latest section of The Great Northern Trail along the disused railway line at Queensbury will be officially opened on Wednesday at 12.30pm with a short ceremony at the bottom of Station Road. When further sections of the GNT open, it will be possible

  • Ideas for taking the car for a walk

    Ethically, the best way to get to the start point for a walking day out should be by public transport. It's also useful in that you can enjoy a linear walk rather than a circular one, taking public transport home from the finish. In reality, though,

  • Saddle up and sample Dales’ delights

    It's slightly odd that it should take a Lancastrian to point the way for cyclists around the beauty of the Yorkshire Dales. But then, I suppose the glorious countryside so near to us in the Bradford district is as much on his doorstep as it ours, with

  • Where’s there’s a will there’s peace of mind

    Writing a will is still a good way for families to cut their inheritance tax bill, despite recent scaremongering after a court ruling earlier this year. When Dr Patrick Phizackerley's wife, Mary, died in April, 2000, Dr Phizackerley thought their will

  • Sporting peers’ tribute to the legend Fred

    Before his death last year Yorkshire and England fast bowling legend Fred Trueman gave a series of interviews to Yorkshire publisher David Joy. The idea was for a book of Fred's reminiscences to be published by Great Northern Books. "They went up into

  • My wife gets full marks for Gold Top tolerance

    Have you noticed how footballers promise to give 110 per cent commitment to their next, most important, game? Surely if you have the capacity to give an extra 10 per cent then your original one hundred is miscalculated. I am not sure what prompted this

  • The fantastic films you really can believe in

    The literary world does not like science fiction. It's the geeky cousin of the mainstream novel, the slightly odd, mumbling, milk-smelling loner who wears its jeans with creases down the front and a proliferation of badges on its Army surplus jacket.

  • The language of progress for us all

    What incentive is there for people living in this country yet not speaking its language to learn the English they need if they're to integrate even nominally and be able to take full advantage of what is, despite the appalling and widening gap between

  • Cue the action with master and pupil

    Twenty-one years ago as I sat, riveted, in front of the TV, watching Joe Johnson win the World Snooker Championship, never did I imagine that one day I would be playing alongside him. Not against him - that would be silly. I'd be lucky to manage more

  • Up and running for a good cause

    On one of the hottest, stickiest and most humid days of this year, I took on this year's Race for Life at Lister Park in Manningham with my sister - and unpaid personal trainer - Natalie. More than two million women from across the country have taken

  • Care counts at Sovereign

    Trawling through the Telegraph & Argus archive on Sovereign Healthcare is like looking at an A-to-Z of the district's charities. Over the past 20 years the firm has been involved in literally hundreds of benevolent projects, from small scale localised

  • New life bid for old store

    A Bradford manufacturer is looking to move into new premises to cope with expansion. Technical Services (UK), based on Intake Road, Bradford, hopes to acquire the old Bolton Junction building - Morrisons' first purpose-built supermarket. Bosses at the

  • Redfern in £3.5m tickets victory

    A Bradford travel company has landed a major contract with the Environment Agency. Redfern Travel defeated competition from national bodies to win the £3.5 million Government deal to allow its staff to book travel tickets. The Environment Agency chose

  • Band of brothers

    In a predominantly industrial area of Bradford close to streets regularly walked by prostitutes the Franciscan Friars are living their lives in accordance with the three knots on their belts. The rope round their waist symbolises the binding to Christ

  • Monday, June 18, 2007

    The following planning applications have been lodged by Calderdale Council: Brighouse: single storey side and rear extension to incorporate garage, bedroom and sun lounge, 1 Orchard Way. Brighouse: conservatory to rear, 9 Blakelaw Drive, Clifton. Brighouse

  • Monday, June 18, 2007

    The following have been dealt with by Bradford Magistrates: Terence J Fannan, aged 65, of Cleckheaton Road, Oakenshaw; drink-driving, £250 fine, £15 compensation, £60 costs, banned from driving for 24 months. Rafal Nykiel, aged 18, of Killinghall Road

  • Monday, June 18, 2007

    In 1815, Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo. In 1928, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. In 1990, Princess Diana and Mother Teresa walked hand-in-hand through the Bronx, in New York, to publicise the work of the mission

  • 'Struggling' schools on red alert

    High-flying Bingley Grammar School is on the brink of being rated as a failing school, according to a secret dossier obtained by the Telegraph & Argus. The school, struggling against huge debts, is on a list of 26 schools which are receiving intensive