
  • Pupils walking back to health

    School children across the district this week are taking to streets and urging their parents to leave their cars at home as part of Walk to School week. The annual event is aimed at making families think about the benefits of walking to school on their

  • A tidy plot is all that's needed

    SIR - While agreeing that graveyards should be kept neat and tidy, is it really necessary to have them all conform to a single pattern? How boring Undercliffe Cemetery would be if that were the case. Edgings and chippings are neat although I think it

  • Pubs a sad sight

    SIR - I find it rather sad, while driving around, to see so many pubs closed and boarded up, a thing unheard of in former years. It was a quote by the English poet and author Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953) who said: "When you have lost your inns, drown your

  • Lights out please

    SIR - The debate about the illumination of the Alhambra (T&A, September 25) raises an interesting challenge. It's one thing to be saving money but I would be more impressed if we considered changing our behaviour, municipal and individual, to reduce

  • Who’s on board?

    SIR - Regarding the Odeon and Bradford Centre Regeneration's achievements, I remain unconvinced by Maud Marshall's answers. Since the 2004 clean-up, the Odeon has never looked so terrible. Did they wash it with plant fertiliser? As no final "decision

  • A debate needed

    SIR - As ever I am grateful to the T&A for giving Muslims like myself an opportunity to express their views. I have said again and again, this consideration and freedom is not always available to people in many Muslim countries and I attach great value

  • The wrong course

    SIR - The Halifax Bank bosses calling on political parties to reform the inheritance tax (T&A, September 23) will be pleased to know that that nice David Cameron will actually scrap it. The question is why? Most of those people affected by it at present

  • Catholics let down

    SIR - I was not aware of the pending closure of St Mary's Church until a chance meeting with a Bradford gentleman after mass at our Catholic church in Louth - also St Mary's. I do not know St Mary's, Bradford, but it was the parish church of many generations

  • The guilty ones

    SIR - The recent attacks on children by dogs have been horrific and the behaviour of the dogs and their owners is inexcusable, but we cannot start a lynch party for certain breeds of dogs when it is clearly the owners who are in the wrong. It is too

  • It’s safer to get a burglar alarm

    SIR - Too many dog owners automatically assume they are in charge of their dogs simply because humans are deemed superior to animals. No matter what breed, size or temperament the dog, and no matter how much we think we've humanised or domesticated it

  • Full steam ahead of the Illingworth!

    A 90-year-old steam locomotive which helped bring fresh water to Bradford is being lovingly restored at a cost of £95,000. The engine hauled cement, supplies and workers up to Scar House reservoir in the Dales as the new water source was being constructed

  • Students meaning business in Taiwan

    Three students from Buttershaw Business and Enterprise College will be travelling to Taiwan in December to take part in an international conference looking at the role of young people in local and global development. The sixth form students, Justine

  • 'We didn't profit from T&N claims'

    An administration firm has dismissed claims it profited from compensation payouts to asbestos victims in Bradford. Asbestos litigation firm Thompsons has claimed a £70 million bill is being paid to administrator Kroll in connection with the compensation

  • Teenager Luke fights cancer for third time

    A 14-year-old boy who is fighting off aggressive cancer for the third time will enjoy a dream holiday next week ahead of his biggest operation yet. Neighbours and relatives of Luke Bottomley have pulled together to raise money to send him to a special

  • Mum plans concert for blood brothers

    A mother who set up a support group for children with blood disorders is organising a charity event to help raise money for families affected by the illnesses. Wendy Smith is hoping that the musical extravaganza at Pudsey Civic Hall later this month

  • Mum's plea to thief who stole precious memories of son

    A devastated mum is making an appeal for her late son's stolen mobile phone to be returned. Sylvia Northrop's home was burgled and the phone which belonged to Chris, who died earlier this year aged 18, was taken. The phone is priceless to Mrs Northrop

  • Banter masks mutual respect between pals

    David Graham "never puts his hand in his pocket" at the bar. Chris Brandon has the "worst dress sense in the world". The pair are close pals so it's no surprise when the good-natured insults start flying. They are such good friends, Graham and Brandon

  • Johnson faces two weeks out

    Jermaine Johnson is definitely OUT of City's West Yorkshire derby plans. Further checks have confirmed that the winger tore his hamstring in the Tranmere game - an injury that is likely to sideline him for at least a fortnight. "Unless there is an utter

  • Bulls secure £1m sponsorship deal

    Title-chasing Bulls have secured a new sponsorship deal with JCT600 worth more than £1million. The buzzing Engage Super League champions will reach their sixth successive Grand Final if they win at Hull on Friday night and today announced more good news

  • Police pledge new blitz on city centre crooks

    Criminals who blight businesses and put shop staff in fear face being driven out of the city centre. In a bid to rid Bradford of its reputation of being a "dangerous place" a ground-breaking alliance, launched today, aims to make the city centre a no-go

  • Tuesday, October 3, 2006

    In 1678, the Taj Mahal in Agra, India, was completed. In 1959, postcodes were introduced in Britain. In 1990, East and West Germany were officially reunified, with Berlin as the capital. 25 Years Ago From the Telegraph & Argus of October 3, 1981..

  • Race shows a fat-free future

    Bradford was labelled the fat capital of the United Kingdom not so long ago. Now it appears, from the entry to this year's 11th annual MLC Bingley Harriers' Schools Cross-Country race, that all is not doom and gloom within the city. Indeed, if the evidence

  • Unite to beat the criminals

    In recent years the level of crime in Bradford city centre has been falling, thanks largely to the introduction of high-visibility patrols by street wardens and Police Community Support Officers. Shoppers, shop owners and their staff and city-centre

  • Parent trap...or is it a parent trip?

    A colleague of mine went to visit his son in London last week. The son, who is probably the same age as me, perhaps a couple of years older, lives a rather Bohemian lifestyle that revolves around residing in a work-living space in somewhere terribly trendy

  • Repelling the alien invaders

    At one time, the word mink' was associated with the rich and famous. Movie stars and top models would turn up at premieres wearing coats made from their silky soft fur Now, in times when the wearing of fur attracts unwelcome attention from many quarters

  • Police quiz man over churchyard sex attack

    Detectives investigating a serious sex attack on a teenager today arrested a 48-year-old local man. The man is in custody being quizzed by officers in connection with the alleged assault on a 15-year-old girl which happened after midnight on Tuesday,

  • Avenue hit by cruel sucker punch

    Bradford Park Avenue 1 Gresley Rovers 2 It was another hugely frustrating night for Avenue as they let a second chance to go clear at the top of UniBond Division One slip through their grasp. They dominated large periods of the game but failed to turn

  • DVD generation's healthy food for thought

    Ninety-nine per cent of children can confidently use a DVD player but only 43 per cent can boil an egg, a survey has revealed. And while 82 per cent of eight to 15-year-olds are confident using a microwave and more than two-thirds are confident cooking

  • Oakenshaw edge extra-time thriller

    Bradford Sunday Alliance Premier Division outfit Oakenshaw overcame Huddersfield side GNG Sikh Temple 7-5 in the tie of the West Riding County Sunday Cup second round. Hosts Oakenshaw came from 2-0 down to lead 3-2 at the break thanks to goals from Noel

  • Horsfield double halts Overthorpe charge

    Colin Horsfield proved the key man as Steeton put the brakes on previously unbeaten leaders Overthorpe Sports' Division One progress. Steeton, who had held the Dewsbury side to a 0-0 draw earlier in the month, won 2-0 at home this time thanks to Horsfield's

  • Woman jailed for life over stabbings

    A violent alcoholic who stabbed her husband, brother-in-law and another man has been given a life sentence after a judge branded her a dangerous woman. Bradford Crown Court heard yesterday how 36-year-old Sarah Fraser had served a previous prison sentence

  • Dog attack victim's parents join T&A campaign

    The dog that savaged this little girl's face the day after her fourth birthday is free to bite again because its owner - one of her uncles - is refusing to have it put down. Shannon Hills suffered horrific injuries when she was savaged by the Irish

  • Council officer criticised over change to plan

    A residents association has won a long battle over Bradford Council's handling of a planning application. The authority's planning department was criticised by the local government watchdog for the way it dealt with the case of a former electricity sub-station

  • New rail link 'could cut M62 congestion'

    A new high speed rail route is being touted as a viable alternative to cutting the queues on the heavily congested M62. The Northern Way is calling for new measures to combat growing congestion on the busy motorway - which is still expected to increase

  • Crush machine 'had gone wrong before' inquest told

    A machine that crushed a man to death at a Bradford timber yard had malfunctioned before, an inquest heard yesterday. John Crossley, 52, died on February 15 last year at Ramsey Timber Ltd in Wellington Street, Laisterdyke, Bradford, when the stacking