
  • Rise in reports of violent crime

    Reports of violent crime have shot up in the Spen Valley Figures for the past three months show 208 assaults were reported, almost double the number in 2004. Police have identified Cleckheaton town centre and the Foldings estate in Scholes as hotspots

  • Double money schools plea

    Education chiefs say they need £3.2 million to get the district's schools up to scratch - more than double the sum set aside by Bradford Council. The council has allocated an extra £1 million core funding for schools and a further £500,000 to help deliver

  • Kotelnik camp set to launch protest

    Andreas Kotelnik's handlers are considering an official protest over Saturday's points loss to Junior Witter. Bradford's European champion defended his title with a unanimous verdict despite a below-par display. But the Ukrainian challenger believes he

  • Yorkshire League tamed by Bradford

    The SDS Bradford League are through to the Heron White Rose Trophy final on Sunday, July 31. They defeated the Yorkshire League by six runs in their semi-final at Doncaster Town. Cleckheaton's Sarfaraaz Mahomed (40) and Bradford & Bingley's Harron

  • Hero Bray times it to perfection

    This season's Sovereign Health Care Priestley Cup final at Bradford & Bingley on Sunday, August 28 will be a repeat of the 2004 decider between Pudsey Congs and Woodlands. But that re-run of last year's contest at the Britannia Ground tells nothing

  • Todd names strong side for friendly

    Dean Windass and David Wetherall will feature in City's side at North Ferriby tomorrow. Player of the year Mark Bower and Andy Cooke will also play, having been left out of the squad for the opening friendly win at Park Avenue. "All the lads who were

  • Pratt has play-off worries

    Karl Pratt fears the Bulls will be sucked into a dogfight for a top-six play-off spot if they don't find some consistency soon. The Bulls are currently fifth, just a point ahead of London and three ahead of Huddersfield and Wigan in what looks to be a

  • Final warning for illegal door staff

    Illegal door staff working in Bradford's pubs, bars and nightclubs were today given their final warning. Police say they are preparing a series of raids to root out those who have not registered under a licensing system set up last year. Anyone now working

  • Community staff slashed 'by third'

    Bradford Council was today criticised for cutting staff in one of its departments by around a third before a review of its future has even been completed. Plans to axe the community development service, largely forcing community centres to look after

  • Hoax theory over city centre 'bomb'

    Hundreds of people were evacuated from buildings in Bradford city centre yesterday after a bomb scare. Shops and businesses were emptied and roads were closed in the heart of the city as worried workers were evacuated from buildings following the discovery

  • Don't leave them alone

    Parents were today warned: Don't leave your children alone in cars. The warning comes as a campaign is launched to highlight the dangers of leaving youngsters unattended - particularly during hot summer weather. The Kids in Cars campaign led by children's

  • Letters to the Editor

    No justification for this outrage SIR - The British Muslim community wholeheartedly condemns the London bombings. We send our deepest sympathies to the relatives of those killed, from all ethnic and religious backgrounds, and pray for the recovery of

  • Manufacturing now on way to oblivion

    Bradford's manufacturing industry could disappear altogether within 24 years unless the Government takes urgent steps to help companies compete. This is the stark warning from Britain's biggest union, the Transport & General, as it embarks on its

  • Hero Bray times it to perfection

    This season's Sovereign Health Care Priestley Cup final at Bradford & Bingley on Sunday, August 28 will be a repeat of the 2004 decider between Pudsey Congs and Woodlands. But that re-run of last year's contest at the Britannia Ground tells nothing

  • Pratt has play-off worries

    Karl Pratt fears the Bulls will be sucked into a dogfight for a top-six play-off spot if they don't find some consistency soon. The Bulls are currently fifth, just a point ahead of London and three ahead of Huddersfield and Wigan in what looks to be a

  • Hoax theory over city centre 'bomb'

    Hundreds of people were evacuated from buildings in Bradford city centre yesterday after a bomb scare. Shops and businesses were emptied and roads were closed in the heart of the city as worried workers were evacuated from buildings following the discovery

  • Don't leave them alone

    Parents were today warned: Don't leave your children alone in cars. The warning comes as a campaign is launched to highlight the dangers of leaving youngsters unattended - particularly during hot summer weather. The Kids in Cars campaign led by children's

  • Rapping on door of fame

    A Bradford man has organised a talent show to help discover urban talent in the city. Trinity Brown, 22, of West Bowling, wants to encourage young people in Bradford to express themselves through music by becoming rappers, MCs, dancers or singers. Trinity

  • Neighbourhoods cash in on help

    Community groups across the district have netted £72,000 to help improve the lives of people in their neighbourhoods. Bradford District's Community Network (CNET) handed out the cash from the Small Grants Scheme as part of the government's neighbourhood

  • Health groups plan to pool resources

    Two support groups which help people living with the misery of skin conditions have merged to form a new organisation. The Bradford Eczema Group and the Bradford Psoriasis Group will now work together to support people in the district with the distressing

  • Yorkshire receive promotion boost

    Yorkshire required only 50 minutes on the final morning to pull off an outstanding three-wicket victory over Worcestershire at New Road yesterday and do their chances of promotion in the Championship a power of good. The man-of-the-moment was acting captain

  • Risk just not worth taking ...

    It can hardly be credited that people in the district are quite willing to leave their children in their cars and head off to shop or run errands. The pressures on parents are not to be underestimated, and it is understandable that the thought of getting

  • Gareth celebrates his 21st birthday

    Singer Gareth Gates was today celebrating his 21st birthday with friends on holiday with his record company vowing a new CD will be out later this year. The Pop Idol runner-up spent the weekend at home with his parents and family in Bingley after driving

  • Drinking pal accused of stamping friend to death

    A Bradford man savagely murdered his drinking pal in a row over missing money, a court heard. Steven Benjamin, 42, was left to die in a pool of blood after his head was repeatedly kicked and stamped on. Mr Benjamin, known as Benji was half naked and unconscious

  • Messages flood in for bombs victims

    Bradfordians moved by the London bombs have been leaving messages of support for victims and their families. Books of condolence at City Hall and Bradford Cathedral have been signed by people from across the district and by visitors to the city from across

  • '30mph speed limit signs will save lives'

    Speed limit reminder signs should be introduced in 30mph zones to reduce accidents and cut the number of fines, according to road safety professionals. Under current legislation, reminder signs are not allowed in 30mph zones. The Highway Code says drivers

  • Sizzling summer is here to stay

    A girl showers in the street, dogs are warned to wear boots and, say the experts, it's all due to the North Atlantic oscillations. It's the heatwave and it's here at last. The Mediterranean-style temperatures over Bradford, set to last all week, are triggering

  • Todd names strong side for friendly

    Dean Windass and David Wetherall will feature in City's side at North Ferriby tomorrow. Player of the year Mark Bower and Andy Cooke will also play, having been left out of the squad for the opening friendly win at Park Avenue. "All the lads who were

  • Community staff slashed 'by third'

    Bradford Council was today criticised for cutting staff in one of its departments by around a third before a review of its future has even been completed. Plans to axe the community development service, largely forcing community centres to look after