
  • Robbie looks to make history

    Robbie Paul admitted today he is more excited ahead of tonight's Tetley's Rugby Super League Grand Final than he has been for his two previous visits to Old Trafford. "This is the big one, this is what it's all about, we've worked all season long just

  • Witter hopes to get Lucky tonight

    Junior Witter won't be taking it lightly when he tunes up for his WBO final eliminator tonight. Bradford light-welterweight Witter faces Lucky Sambo from Congo in an eight-rounder at Glasgow as the countdown begins for his world title crack. Witter will

  • 'Pumped up' Bulls at full strength

    Brian Noble today issued his Grand Final message to his 'pumped up' Bulls: 'Go out there and express yourselves'. Bradford go into tonight's clash against fierce rivals St Helens at Old Trafford hoping to bag their second Grand Final crown in succession

  • Scheme is well worth backing

    Many people would like to help the homeless but are not too sure how to go about it. There is a widespread reluctance to hand money directly to someone begging in the street. It is prompted partly by embarrassment, partly by doubts about whether the money

  • Water firm beaten

    Yorkshire Water's parent company has lost out on a £400 million contract. Kelda was "pipped to the post" by French water group Vivendi for the contract to build and maintain a sewage plant in Holland. Kelda had been involved in the tendering process for

  • Training is offered to city's staff

    Businesses in Bradford are invited to let their staff take a computer driving test. Free training is now available for the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL), which is a computer skills qualification that is recognised cont-inent-wide. Funding to

  • Firms are warned of recession

    Engineering firms in the district should ready themselves for a winter of recession and job cuts, according to the Engineering Emp-loyers' Federation Yorkshire and Humberside. The latest EEF trends survey has found nearly one in five of the area's firms

  • Who's been cooking the books?

    Food suppliers in the district look set to face a grilling from the Inland Revenue, according to Bradford-based accountancy firm Baker Tilly. The Inland Revenue is currently investigating backhanders which have been paid to senior chefs across the country

  • Pioneering force in hi-tech training

    The foresight of two men led to the creation of a company which is leading the way in training. Shipley-based Virtual College was born when Rod Knox, who was the director of Bradford-based electronics company Chase Advanced Technologies, and Dr Bob Gomersal

  • Winning formula nets £2m contract

    Totty Construction Group has signed a £2.1 million deal with Manchester University. The Bradford construction company has been awarded a contract by the University's chemistry department to refurbish its building. The deal comes on the back of the previous

  • Auction plan for Ken's film finance

    Bradford actor Ken Kitson will be taking his quest to make a movie into the dining room next month when he hosts a fundraising auction. He is trying to raise the £2million budget needed to fulfil his long-standing dream of turning his own screenplay,

  • Addict jailed for robbing elderly

    A judge has handed out a six-year jail sentence to a homeless heroin addict who carried out a car-jacking and then robbed a 77-year-old woman. Bradford Crown Court heard yesterday how Anthony Whitmarsh, 36, grabbed 72-year-old James Boughey from behind

  • Bill's language puts him top of the league

    Car salesman Bill Kozak, pictured, is making the most of his mother tongue - by hiring himself out to Premier League football clubs. Mr Kozak is drafted in for big European matches when Ukrainian teams are drawn against their English counterparts. He

  • Hero pulls neighbour from house blaze

    A passer-by was hailed a hero after saving a man from his blazing home early today. The 23-year-old man's hair and clothing were on fire when he was dragged to safety after a fierce blaze swept through the house in Waverley Road, Lidget Green, Bradford

  • Water nice surprise for pupils!

    When pupils at Crossflatts Primary went down to the woods they were in for a big surprise. Children went with their teacher on a hunt for "mini-beasts" but got more than they bargained for when they came face to face with the much larger variety - a herd

  • The Cricketers at the end of an innings

    A pub in Shipley has been forced to close because the 42-year lease on the building has run out. Landlord Andy Smith held a goodbye party for his army of regular drinkers at The Cricketers on Saturday, to mark the end of an era. The bubbly landlord has

  • Planning row over school access

    Planners have moved to put a stop to a Manningham primary school's use of a new access point off the City ring road. Iqra Primary should not be using the access off Century Place because it is not safe, says Bradford Council. The school, nearly destroyed

  • Faulty tap fiasco is drain on resources

    Months of delays by Council workmen to fix a faulty tap caused tens of thousands of gallons of water to go down the drain, it was claimed today. Pensioner Harry Senior said he first reported the problem of the tap that would not turn off to the Council

  • Robber found guilty of murder

    A former Bradford man has been found guilty by an Old Bailey jury of murdering the assistant manager of a sports store during a robbery in London. Devoted dad Carlton Maxwell-Clarke, 36, was stabbed to death with a Samurai sword in the raid, which one

  • Surplus places on school closure agenda

    A meeting to consult parents on the closure of Baildon's Hoyle Court Primary School has been broadened to look at the problem of surplus school places in the area. The decision leaves a question mark over the future of three other primaries in Baildon

  • Top chef's battle to stay in Britain

    A High Court judge has urged Home Secretary David Blunkett and his department to rethink a decision denying UK residence to a chef who plays a key part in putting some of the top curry tastes on the nation's supermarket shelves. For six years the skills

  • Lesbian couple want IVF baby

    A lesbian couple barred from adopting a child have turned to IVF treatment so they can complete their family. Legally only one partner from a gay couple can apply for adoption - but Michelle and Louise Troughton-Webb want to be recognised as a couple

  • Young team make a splash

    City of Bradford youngster Katie Ford got the new season off to a flying start at the Yorkshire Winter Age Groups at Sheffield. Ford, 14, repeated her winning swim of last year to retain the 100m backstroke title with a two-second victory over Gemma Girling

  • Sacked Sox boss wins in court

    Steve Linnane, sacked by Halifax Blue Sox two months ago, has won his claim for compensation at the High Court in Leeds. The Australian enlisted the help of Leeds solicitors Richard Cramer and Iain Higgins, the former Hunslet and London Broncos player

  • Law will keep dressing-down to dressing room

    Nicky Law believes the days of publicly rollicking players are a thing of the past. With the transfer market stagnant, Law reckons that bosses have had to re-think the way they deal with their squad - even those stuck on the fringes. The City boss said

  • £250,000 deal signed

    Linetime Ltd has signed a deal worth more than £250,000 with legal firm DLA. The Yeadon-based business, which supplies technological solutions to the legal profession, is set to supply DLA's Bradford-based business services group with software and services

  • Boomtime for internet shopping

    A director at a multi-million pound firm says internet shopping is set to boom even further. Amarjit Singh, sales director of online electrical retailing giant, says while the UK economy faces problems internet shopping is blossoming

  • Toasting £10m of on-line deals

    Gordons Cranswick has completed more than £10 million of on-line deals for the firm which brews Carling, Grolsch, Worthington's and Reef. The Bradford law firm was picked as the sole legal provider for lending work at Coors Brewers Ltd a year ago. The

  • Expansion plan is on the cards

    Business card specialists PITS Picture Cards has announced expansion plans. The Ilkley firm is set to grow by developing a nationwide network of agents. The company aims to build on its solid foundations as it enters its tenth year in business. Vernon

  • Window cleaner discovered woman's body

    A verdict of death from natural causes has been recorded on a 55-year-old woman alcoholic. Bradford Coroner's Court heard how Marie Rose McDonald was found dead at her home in Ferncliffe Road, Bingley. A post-mortem showed she died from the complications

  • Pipe up to join the band!

    An historic Bradford band could be forced to play the Last Post - unless new members join its ranks. The City of Bradford Pipe Band has played on for 88 years surviving two world wars, but now its future is in doubt because it is short of musicians. Band

  • Trust bid for school site is refused

    A village group has suffered a set-back in its campaign to buy a former school site for the community. Bradford Council has refused the bid from Haworth Village Trust (HVT) to take over the school building and surrounding land in Butt Lane, Haworth. Instead

  • Ethnic groups 'more integrated'

    Relationships between different ethnic groups in Bradford are not breaking down, community leaders were told at a special meeting into the city's social policy. Speakers at yesterday's event, organised by the influential Bradford Resource Centre, refuted

  • New surgery for city's needy

    Homeless people and asylum seekers living in Bradford are to be cared for at a new GP surgery in the city centre. Empty offices on Sunbridge Road are to be converted after they were identified by a working group set up by Bradford City Primary Care Trust

  • Gareth is a Yorkshire champion!

    Bradford pop sensation Gareth Gates capped an astonishing year of achievement when he was crowned a Yorkshire champion at a glittering awards ceremony. Chart-topper Gareth was named a winner at the Yorkshire Awards ceremony in Leeds last night. And Linda

  • School set to move

    An overcrowded school is to be replaced with a new building in Cullingworth. Shipley Area Planning Panel has given the green light for a new school to be built on disused land off Halifax Road. In June the Telegraph & Argus reported how headteacher

  • East meets west, north and south

    It was a night of exotic colours and sounds as a South Asian arts group put its skills on show. Youngsters from across the district and beyond performed as part of the Bradford-based Kala Sangam at its annual spectacular at the Alhambra Studio. A packed

  • Army gets ready to battle blazes

    Army 'green goddesses' were today being prepared for the streets of Bradford after firefighters voted overwhelmingly to take strike action. More than 87 per cent of Fire Brigades Union members yesterday supported the walk-out but stressed that normal

  • Bulls fans travel in grand style!

    A group of die-hard Bradford Bulls fans have hired two stretch limousines so they can travel to today's Grand Final in grand style. The 16 friends at Beckhill Social Club in Buttershaw will quaff champagne before they crack open the beers on the trip

  • Letters to the Editor

    SIR - I travel up and down the A1 regularly and I watched the Angel of the North being erected. I talked to people who hated it and to people who loved it. I was one of the former until I decided to break my journey and go and have a good old gander.