
  • Cartilage operation puts Lumb out for the season

    Yorkshire's dynamic young left-hander Michael Lumb is having a cartilage operation today and will be out for the rest of the season. The 21-year-old South African-born batsman twisted his knee while fielding against Leicester-shire at Scarborough on Sunday

  • Avenue backer in cash dispute

    Bradford Park Avenue have pulled the plug on a sponsorship deal two years early in a cash row with managing director Allan Ham. The club have fallen out with their main sponsor over money he claims is due to his firm, Ham Construction (Bradford) Ltd,

  • A chance to move forward

    The idea of a special "post riot" action meeting of Bradford businesses both large and small, proposed by Bradford Chamber of Commerce president-elect John Pennington, is an excellent one. The T&A is delighted to support it. It is to be hoped that

  • They're having a ball!

    A Bradford recruitment firm has adopted a radical new fitness technique. Relay Recruitment is hoping the installation of an in-house gym, and personal trainer, will boost staff. Former boxer Charlie Watson will be introducing employees to a new US-based

  • Fernlee's huge growth

    A business which started from a garage in Eccleshill and recruits exclusively from the long-term unemployed is enjoying phenomenal growth. Fernlee Industries was formed three years ago by former social worker and teacher Paul Meer with the help of a £12,500

  • Tesco denies housing option

    Supermarket giants Tesco have denied that the land on which they intend to build a new store in Cleckheaton is suitable for houses. During the third day of a public inquiry into the proposed development of a retail store in St Peg Lane, Tesco spokesman

  • A perfect tribute for Bryony

    A mother's seven-month quest to find the perfect headstone for her daughter has ended in a touching tribute. Bryony Firth died last December aged just three after being born with water on the brain and then fighting a lifelong battle against cerebral

  • Pupils chase ideas to tackle speeding

    Safety conscious pupils have launched a campaign to stop cars racing past their village primary school. The youngsters have been interviewing villagers to find out what traffic calming measures they would like to tackle traffic going past Hawksworth Church

  • Pray tell us what you'd like to have!

    Church leaders in Cottingley are calling on the village to come up with suggestions for a multi-purpose community centre to replace their crumbling church. Hundreds of questionnaires are being distributed to residents asking what services and recreational

  • Crisis fear as moors set to be opened up

    Miles of countryside across the district - including scenic Baildon Moor - are expected to be reopened on Friday after a day of talks between Bradford Council and Government officials. Ilkley Moor and other areas within three kilometres of confirmed foot

  • Officers seek damages

    Police officers who came under a hail of bricks and petrol bombs are seeking thousands of pounds in damages for their injuries. Roger Benn, chairman of West Yorkshire Police Federation, said some of the 281 officers who suffered injuries during the night

  • Discovering a new identity

    Image guru and MORI chairman Professor Robert Worcester will tomorrow tell management experts how to raise Bradford's profile from its low point. Prof Worcester is due to outline key ways for Bradford to raise its national and worldwide profile following

  • Joint drive to rebuild city

    Club owner John Pennington is urging Bradford businesses to take part in a special 'post-riot' action meeting. All members of Bradford's business community are being encouraged to join forces on Monday to draw up a plan to help revive the district's shell-shocked

  • Letters to the Editor

    SIR - At the end of a week of hatred, violence, arson and even attempted mass murder in the streets of our city, it would be easy for us to conclude that there is no hope left, and that all our efforts over the past 40 years have been a waste of time.

  • Rawdon throw race for championship up in air

    Rawdon threw the Aire-Wharfe Division A championship race up in the air by inflicting only the second defeat of the season on leaders Bilton. There are now only nine points between themselves in fifth place and their opponents, who have 53. North leeds

  • Baildon on course for superb double

    Baildon are on course for a Priestley Cup and Shield double. While their first team were beating Bradford and Bing-ley in the cup at Jenny Lane, their second team were knocking out Pudsey Congs in the shield in a match that didn't finish until five past

  • Noble ready for 'bashathon'

    Bulls coach Brian Noble is predicting another rousing derby battle with Leeds on Sunday despite the Rhinos' poor recent form. After a promising start under new coach Daryl Powell the Headingley outfit have won just two of their last six games. But Noble

  • Wethers hopes for early action

    David Wetherall could be thrown into action in Bradford City's opening pre-season friendly. Boss Jim Jefferies today revealed that Wetherall - out injured since March - will feature in the club's three-match tour of Northern Ireland. The influential centre-half

  • Fight for historic homes

    Shipley residents have launched a last ditch campaign to prevent their grade II listed homes being dwarfed by a £3 million office block scheme. Owners of cottages at Jane Hills have enlisted the support of Shipley MP Chris Leslie to oppose a 40,000 square

  • Putting the vandals back on right track

    Youngsters will be taught about the dangers of trespassing and vandalism on the railways in a pioneer scheme to combat accidents. The project, the first of its kind in the country, will see British Transport Police join forces with rail companies Arriva

  • City bus drivers are brought up to speed

    A new multi-million-pound guided bus system has been given the go-ahead for driver training. Bradford's £7million Man-chester Road system from Odsal Top to Mayo Avenue passed a safety test and permission has been granted for driver training to start on

  • New pupils facing lessons in office

    Children are facing lessons in a cramped corridor office because there is no classroom available at their school. When three- and four-year-olds arrive at Guard House Primary School in Keighley in September, their classroom will be a 12ft by 12ft room

  • Parents' £75,000 pledge to hospital

    The parents of a baby who underwent emergency treatment after developing a life-threatening illness have pledged to buy a £75,000 ambulance to help other youngsters. Louise and Alan Somerville, from Thornton, have planned a series of fundraising events

  • Infection scare over youngster

    An eight-year-old pupil at a Bradford school needed hospital treatment after contracting an infection suspected to be caused by the bug which leads to the most serious form of meningitis. The child, who attends Thornton Primary School, was well enough

  • TV effort to catch Becky's killer

    Detectives hunting for the killer of Bradford prostitute Rebecca Hall hope an appeal on national television will bring forward fresh information. Officers leading the investigation into the murder of the 19-year-old will appear on the BBC's Crimewatch

  • Swimmer's body is found in reservoir

    Divers searching for a Brad-ford man who went missing after a late-night swim in the Lake District have found his body. The grim discovery was made at 3.30pm yesterday after frogmen spent the day combing Thirlmere for 32-year-old Nadim Ahmed Rashid, of

  • 'City could be like Belfast' says MP

    Keighley MP Ann Cryer fears the streets of Bradford could resemble strife-torn Belfast if integration between whites and Asians fails. "Unlike Belfast, the conflict is likely to be along race and cultural lines, not religious," she said. "But the outcome

  • Lord Mayor thanks to 999 crews

    Lord Mayor Councillor Ghazanfer Khaliq praised the emergency services for their bravery and dedication following the riots in Manningham 11 days ago. He told the full Bradford Council meeting: "I would like to lead the Council in expressing our gratitude

  • 'Hand in rioters to police!'

    Parents who know their children took part in the Bradford riots should hand them over to the police, the Pakistani High Commissioner has urged. Abdul Kader Jafer issued his ultimatum before addressing high ranking leaders of the Pakistani community as

  • Owzat! It's Patel, caught Patel, bowled Patel...

    Cricketing umpires and scorers were left scratching their heads in bemusement when they noted that Patel had been caught by Patel off the bowling of Patel. For the whole 22 players in the two teams battling it out in the Bradford Mutual Sunday School

  • Anger at snub for mayor campaign

    Protesters today called on the Government to intervene after Bradford Council refused to let the public vote on a 'people's mayor.' Councillors last night overwhelmingly rejected calls for the public to be allowed to vote on whether they want a directly-elected