
  • Who will run Bradford now?

    Liberal Democrat councillors were today seeking urgent talks with Labour chief Ian Greenwood over a three-party power-share of Bradford Council. The Lib Democrats have met the Tories and now want to discuss how all three main parties could run the Council

  • Stardom is a Girl Thing for Nikki

    Talented Nikki Stuart is poised for stardom after joining pop group Girl Thing. The five-piece are the brainchild of Chris Herbert, the man who helped launch the Spice Girls. The band have signed to RCA Records and are already tipped for the top when

  • Go MAD and make festival the best so far

    Organisers are calling on residents to make this year's Shipley Festival the biggest and best so far. The ten-day event kicks into action on Friday when students from Beckfoot Middle School perform a drama production in Market Square. The Music, Arts

  • City's new academy!

    Bradford City are joining with Skylark Leisure to build a multi-million-pound football academy. A planning application was submitted yesterday to build the academy, which will cost between £3.6 million and £4 million, at the Eurocam Technology Park at

  • Punish the purveyors of cruelty

    Being named as the worst place in the country for cruelty to animals is an accolade West Yorkshire could well do without. The latest statistics from the RSPCA once again put this region at the top of the list, for the sixth year in succession. It is shocking

  • Illness has put my life on hold

    Shelley Robinson did not know what was happening to her when she did not have the energy to get out of bed in a morning, never mind take part in her daily sporting activities. Then she was diagnosed with ME and her whole life changed. At the start of

  • Your Pets, by our vet Simon Thomas

    Collars have always been a source of problems in dogs and cats. In Tyson's case it was a harmless bit of childhood play that caused him so much trouble. Tyson is a large, amiable black and brown German shepherd cross, about a year old. Last week he disappeared

  • Your Health, by Dr Tom Smith

    Steroids have a bad press, and in many ways, deservedly so. Steroid tablets prescribed for, say, rheumatoid arthritis and asthma in the past were associated with Cushingoid side effects such as high blood pressure, a florid moon face, a buffalo hump,

  • Anila Baig: It's time to put on my thinking cap

    Better late than never you may say, but I have decided to sharpen up my intellect. After erstwhile television brainbox and glamour girl Carol Vorderman put her foot in it on national television by dissing Shakespeare and calling him as dull as ditchwater

  • Mike Priestley: Who's Counting?

    Modern children don't eat like we used to in earlier generations, do they? They're picky. They need coaxing. They don't seem to appreciate good food when it's put in front of them. But we weren't like that, were we? Those of us who were born during the

  • Sign language boost for museums

    Sign language will be used to open up the world of Kirklees Council's museums to people with hearing difficulties. The Welcome Day scheme is aimed at people who rarely or never visit museums and galleries. Tours are being held on Saturday, May 20, as

  • Soldier gets gold in 'death march' glory

    A Bradford soldier has won a gold medal for his victorious efforts in the world's toughest marching marathon, setting a new world record in the process. Bombadier Steven Cole, 31, was a member of the winning team in the Bataan Death March in the New Mexico

  • Designed to make a difference

    A multi-million pound new hospice for cancer patients is rising from its foundations in Bradford, and Charles Heslett was given a conducted tour of the revolutionary-designed new building. FROM OUT of the pain and suffering of cancer, emerges a place

  • Lunch club faces a crunch decision

    A long-established Keighley club could fold unless new recruits come forward. Keighley Civic Luncheon Club's future will be decided at its next meeting on June 6. Chairman Alec Aspinall said: "Membership has dwindled considerably over the years and we

  • Why Grumbleweed is a real high roller

    Madcap Grumbleweed Robin Colvill and hypnotist pal Ken Webster have turned their rollercoaster addiction into a multi-million dollar Hollywood film. The pair filmed their trips around Britain's big dippers for a video which cost £500 and was only meant

  • Heart girl Sally may be home in weeks

    Heart transplant girl Sally Slater has been moved off a hospital ward and into a hospital flat, her father has revealed. Jon Slater said Sally, from Kirby Malham, near Skipton, continues to make progress and is nearly "the daughter we had a few months

  • Wartime memories help team battle on

    Wartime experiences of Keighley area women are being published in a book to help an ailing health project. SHAPE, the Keighley-based Senior Health Awareness Project, needs £52,000 in the next three years, after losing lottery funding it has had for the

  • Why better learning will be on the cards

    Students in the Bradford district are pioneering an experimental swipe card scheme. The Government wants to introduce a national learning card scheme to encourage more young people to stay on in education and training. The idea is that it gives them the

  • Time for Bradford to be put back on map

    Transport experts are urging rail companies to put Bradford on the map when it comes to new trans-Pennine services. A report by independent consultants Transport Research & Information Network has called for improved train services to Manchester via

  • Capital of cruelty

    Bradford was today exposed by the RSPCA as being one of the cruellest places in Britain. The society's cruelty statistics for 1999 show there were 274 convictions for animal cruelty in West Yorkshire and Craven last year - more than double the number

  • Pace in internet TV deal with Microsoft

    Billionaire computer boffin Bill Gates has turned to Bradford in a multi-million pound deal to help the world access the Internet. Saltaire-based Pace Micro Technology has joined forces with Bill Gates' Microsoft to sell the latest developments in surfing

  • Hand-in-hand around the world

    Travel is reputed to be stressful and can put a strain on relationships, but in the case of Joanne Everall and Mark Hunnebell it has not only broadened their minds, but cemented a relationship which began 12 years ago. The round-the-world travellers have

  • How Hazel built a new life

    Fifteen years ago on Thursday 56 people died in the Bradford City fire. Hazel Greenwood lost her husband and two sons yet, despite the intense, mind-numbing pain of the tragedy, she pledged to fight back and rebuild a life for herself. And she has done

  • Smugglers 'plant seeds of cancer'

    Pedlars selling smuggled cigarettes to children in Bradford are "planting the seeds of cancer", a specialist has warned. And Customs officers say some of the 15 million cigarettes seized in an operation at Hull this weekend may have been destined for

  • Serving up big-name restaurants

    Multi-million pound schemes for big-name restaurants and more homes in Bradford's historic Little Germany were unveiled today. And the former merchants' quarter will be officially launched as one of Britain's first urban villages tomorrow. Today London