
  • Railway's tunnel vision of disaster

    A heritage railway which lost hundreds of passengers when pipe line workers damaged a tunnel is battling for compensation. On one day the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway carried only 15 passengers along the five-mile line between Keighley and Oxenhope

  • Spy-in-sky plan to cut crime

    Traders and councillors want a mobile closed-circuit television camera for Otley to make the town centre safer. A series of attacks on shoppers has prompted the call, but money for a camera would have be raised from the private sector as Otley is not

  • Police in hunt for flasher

    Police are stepping up patrols in Saltaire as part of a campaign to catch a flasher who has been targeting women in the village. The move comes after a man indecently exposed himself to a woman as she was walking on Albert Road. The man walked past the

  • Flagged down!

    Bradford's Mayoral limo is to be taken off the road after it was stopped by a traffic policeman because of its 'dangerous' flag fitting. The eagle-eyed officer pulled over the £35,000 black Jaguar because he believed the metal fitting on the bonnet could

  • Peter Meredith: Business Sense

    A lot of people are saying that we are talking ourselves into a recession. Even if we don't technically go into recession, just talking about it will probably lead to a squeeze on credit. If you run a business, your customers may think that you are a

  • Bradford denied by late set-piece

    Hockey: Only a disputed penalty corner award inside the final ten minutes prevented Bradford from notching a great home win against English Women's National League Division One leaders Canterbury. A Bradford player was penalised for knocking the ball

  • Downhill holds key for Holmes

    Athletics: The Rivock Edge Hill Race from Silsden Park takes centre stage this Sunday and, as the only open race in the district, it should attract a good field. With entries on the day only at £3 for the 11am start, its difficult to predict the outcome

  • A triumph for good sense

    The Government's decision to close a legal loophole preventing lollipop men and women from accompanying adults across the road is a victory for common sense which will be more than welcomed across the district. In Calverley, for instance, there has been

  • Want to come on our honeymoon?

    Lottery millionaires David Storey and Margaret Remington are sharing their good luck by taking some of their relatives on honeymoon with them. The Saltaire couple, who hit the headlines last month after scooping just over £1.4 million, are due to marry

  • Shopkeeper slashed by knife-wielding robber

    A Bradford shopkeeper is recovering in hospital today after he was slashed in the face and suffered stab wounds to his wrist and groin by a knife-wielding robber. Police described the attack as appalling and appealed for witnesses to come forward to help

  • Chatline addict's £3,400 phone bill

    A chatline addict who left a trail of unpaid phone bills was jailed for two months by magistrates. Depressed Anthony Digham used a variety of false names to get phone lines installed by BT and Yorkshire Cable, but never paid any of the bills during a

  • This is wheelie over the top!

    A councillor has called for a "warts and all" progress report on the district's controversial wheelie bins. Coun Jeanette Sunderland says she is concerned about reports of problems from across the district about the new-style bins, despite an official

  • Helping people in their own homes

    People living in North Bradford are to be trained as "good neighbours" in a scheme launched next week. National charity Homestart UK is behind the project which encourages members of the community to offer help and support in people's own homes. The charity

  • Hospital queues rise again

    Hospital waiting lists for patients in the Bradford district rose last month but health chiefs remain confident a massive reduction in lists and waiting times will be achieved by the spring. A board meeting of Bradford Health Authority was yesterday told

  • Firm's gipsy warning: 'It could be you next!'

    Businesses are being warned to urgently guard their car parks from travellers looking for a new site to set up camp. Timber merchant Arnold Laver issued the warning as an injunction goes through the courts to remove 15 caravans camped on its Canal Road

  • Wall plaque honour from grateful club

    A man whose community spirit helped secure grants for his cricket club and local woodland is to be remembered when a stone boundary wall is built. A plaque to honour Malcolm Garbutt, former treasurer of Embsay cricket club, near Skipton, who died in September

  • Music Hall leaves charities singing for joy

    Ilkley's love of Old Time Music Hall has provided four charities with thousands of reasons to smile. The rafters of the Kings Hall rang to the songs and laughter of a variety of stars, netting more than £13,000 for Save The Children, The Abbeyfield Ilkley

  • Families make safety plea on 'danger' road

    Families are demanding urgent action on a narrow, winding road where their pets have been killed or seriously injured after being knocked down by speeding drivers. They fear that next time it could be a child who is the victim of an accident in Hollin

  • Christmas boost for shoppers

    Shoppers have been given an early Christmas present as Bradford Council today announced free car parking across the district at certain times of the week. And First Bradford also brought festive cheer by offering cheap fares on the buses in the run-up

  • Travel firm to lead the way

    Investors in People could take off among Bradford Asian businesses - after a Bradford travel firm signed up to the scheme. For the last six months Gazelle Travel has restructured working practices and training to meet the scheme's criteria. But the firm

  • City aim to get fans on the buses

    Bradford City have teamed up with First Bradford in a bid to get fans 'On The Buses' this weekend. They have joined up with First Bradford to offer free bus rides home for children who go to the match against QPR, when City will also be repeating their

  • Eagles axe falls on Wood

    Former Keighley Cougars favourite Martin Wood has been released by Sheffield Eagles - just seven months after featuring in their Challenge Cup final triumph over Wigan at Wembley. Winger Lynton Stott, a one-time target for Super League newcomers Gateshead

  • Pepper deal is a shaker!

    Bradford City midfield man Nigel Pepper was today having talks with Scottish Premier Division club Aberdeen today with a view to a £300,000 transfer. The 30-year-old joined City from York in March 1997 for £100,000 but has not been able to command a regular

  • Your Personal Finance, by Alan Mills

    Many people rely on their savings to top up their income once they retire, as few people have sufficient pension provision. As people live longer many are retired 20 years or more, so any inflation can take a serious toll on the buying power of savings

  • Helen Mead: The day I daren't even spend a penny

    It's not easy, but it's possible to go without food for a day in aid of charity, or to resist temptation and cut out cigarettes on National No Smoking Day. But could you go for 24 hours without shopping? And by shopping, I don't mean a huge spending spree

  • 'Bulls will stay at Odsal'

    Bradford Bulls boss Chris Caisley today pledged the former Super League champions would stay at Odsal Stadium. And he revealed that talks about a possible ground share with Bradford City at Valley Parade had collapsed. Mr Caisley said those talks with

  • 'Film' student wins TV debut

    A student animator just out of university will have her debut film shown on television after it won a Royal Television Society Award. Emma Lazenby, 22, was presented with her Yorkshire finals animation award by BBC Look North presenter Clare Frisby at

  • Row over cost of leader's trip

    A trip to Stockholm by Bradford Council leader Ian Greenwood cost twice the amount reported, it has been revealed. The real cost of the trip by the Labour member - who was deputy leader at the time - is revealed in a report by officers to go to the Council's

  • Couple's cold comfort with faulty gas fire

    Pensioners Florence and Donald Drake have had to sit huddled around a Calor gas fire - windows open to let out the fumes - because their new gas fire failed to work properly for five weeks. Repeated calls to the British Gas energy centre in Keighley failed

  • Lollipop patrols are to get more crossing power

    Parents with tots in prams were celebrating after the government agreed to close a loophole in the law which stopped a lollipop lady helping them across the road. Transport Minister Lord Whitty said lollipop men and women would have increased powers allowing