
  • New deal for 'troubled' foster children

    A specialist fostering scheme has been launched in North Yorkshire by the County Council's social services directorate to find suitable homes for young people. The project is designed to place youngsters who have complex needs and challenging behaviour

  • 'I didn't want to kill them'

    Charges have been dropped against a man accused of threatening to kill a number of prominent people including former Olympic showjumper Harvey Smith. Keighley man Peter Snowden appeared before Newcastle Crown Court accused of making threats to kill six

  • School gets a mixed report

    A Rawdon school has been praised for making improvements under its new headteacher. But some areas give rise for concern, says a report. Five inspectors visited Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School. They reported that the children were "polite and courteous

  • 'It was so awful'

    A suspended deputy head teacher who was accused of laundering drugs money today spoke of her relief after the charges against her were dropped. Patricia Taylor of Gomersal, Cleckheaton, walked free from a committal hearing at Wetherby Magistrates Court

  • Pace in recovery position

    It has been a year of two halves for Saltaire's Pace Micro Technology. Earlier in the year the hi-tech company announced losses of £12 million and had to shed 150 jobs. It was an unsettling period for a firm which has seen nothing but growth since it

  • Two sides of the coin

    Business Editor Paul Parker looks at two sides of the cost of high interest rates and a strong pound abroad. LAST WEEK'S half a per cent cut in interest rates to 6.75 per cent was a mixed blessing for Bradford. At a stroke, it added millions of pounds

  • Francoise Joyce: Make sure you're on the right side of the law

    The most common form of agreement in international trade is distribution or long term supply. Many contract disputes for exporters are raised through these kinds of contract. I would like to underline the few points to consider when taking an order and

  • Lennie's Hatters go into last eight

    Former Bradford City boss Lennie Lawrence last night guided Division Two side Luton into the last eight of the Worthington Cup. The Hatters defeated Division One side Barnsley 1-0 and now Lawrence is hoping to treat the fans to another Worthington Cup

  • Help with settling in

    Bradford's old and new overseas owners are to be given assistance by a regional organisation. BRADFORD FIRMS which have foreign owners are being given a helping hand. Companies such as Ciba, Watmoughs, Goetze, Princes, Empire and Grattan will be helped

  • Woodland footpath confirmed as right of way

    Campaigners in Guiseley have won a major battle in their nine-year struggle to regain public access to a woodland footpath. A public inquiry held into the path - which runs through woodland alongside Thorpe Lane opposite Harry Ramsden's Restaurant - confirmed

  • 50 flats plan is deferred

    Planning chiefs have postponed a decision on whether to allow a £1.5 million sheltered housing complex on the site of an Ilkley garage. Despite support from Ilkley Civic Society, parish councillors objected to the plan to build 50 flats on the site of

  • Jail for 'predator' who snapped teen models

    A 59-year-old photography enthusiast, who paid teenage girls to model for him and then committed a series of sex offences against them, has been jailed for five years. Roy Gess, of Somerton Drive, Holme Wood, Bradford, was branded a "lascivious and cunning

  • Launch of transplant campaign

    Transplant patients from across the North of England are to gather to launch a memorial fund to a Keighley woman who was the longest living heart and lung transplant patient. Some 30 people who have undergone mostly heart and lung and heart transplants

  • Smash killed pensioner and drink-driver

    A drink-driver and an elderly woman died after a horrific high-speed car crash on a country lane, an inquest heard. David Metcalf lost control of his Nissan Sunny van which ploughed into a Vauxhall Cavalier on a bend, killing front seat passenger Una

  • Council warms to Chinese dragons

    Ilkley is planning a Chinese festival to attract tourists to the town in February. The move has been welcomed by parish councillors as a way to attract extra shoppers. Coun Audrey Brand (Con, Menston) believes an annual invasion of Chinese Lions (or dragons

  • Diamond killers 'likely to go free'

    The murderers of a Liversedge man shot in a raid on a diamond mine in Angola are likely to escape justice, a Foreign Office spokesman warned today. Alan Thomas, 51, of Lumb Lane, Roberttown, was shot dead with colleagues in a gun battle at the remote

  • Lest we forget

    Today marks the 80th anniversary of the end of the Great War during which more than 750,000 British soldiers lost their lives fighting for their country. One young soldier survived and as the nation remembers its fallen, he tells his harrowing story to

  • Hey presto! Wizards pull 50 years out of hat

    Scores of magicians will be sharing the tricks of their trade at a one-off convention to mark Bradford Magic Circle's 50th anniversary. And the celebration at Bingley Arts Centre on Saturday will culminate in the Hey Presto Family Magic Show, which will

  • Julia Lister: Maternity case gives birth to concern

    Employers need to be constantly aware of the new cases before the courts. A recent case before the European Court of Justice highlights the still problematic area of maternity rights and illness. It shows the employers must be sure to treat pregnant employees

  • Partners vital to Green scheme

    Groups working together has helped an environmental scheme get off to a good start PARTNERSHIPS ARE seen as essential to the successful launch and development of a major environmental programme. The Yorkshire Environmental Management Virtual Centre of

  • New hope for old wool mills

    Paul Parker looks at how an area of old mills could be developed ONE OF the key people behind the regeneration of Little Germany is now pushing ahead with a plan to rejuvenate another set of old mills in Bradford's city centre. David Scougall, who has

  • Firm with a lot of bottle

    The enterprise and trading skills of the Waxman family in Bradford has spanned some 60 years. Over the years the family has been involved in textiles, ceramics and now wine. It all started in the 1930s when Albert Waxman's father-in-law A Sobol arrived

  • Asian firms among the major players

    Bradford's Asian firms were last night hailed as major contributors to the district's economy. More than 350 members and guests of Asian Trades Link, launched at the city's Stakis Hotel, were told that its 200 members already contributed £200 million

  • Wyke find change is better than rest

    Amateur Rugby League: Wyke marched through to the second round of the Pennine President's Cup following a 28-16 victory against Victoria Rangers in the local derby at Eccleshill. The match venue was changed from Towngate due to a waterlogged pitch and

  • Manager's Views

    Paul Jewell comments: This result has pleased me as much as any this season. The players grafted their socks off and they got their bodies in the way to block Tranmere's shots and headers. It was a real battling performance. It was never going to be a

  • Battling Bantams get their reward

    Tranmere Rovers 0, Bradford City 1; by Richard Sutcliffe, at Prenton Park. It may not have been pretty. It may not have been spectacular. But, make no mistake, Bradford City's victory over in-form Tranmere will have made the rest of the First Division

  • Bid to free Whalley

    Bradford City are battling to free Gareth Whalley to play in Saturday's home match with Swindon following his international selection for the Republic of Ireland. The 24-year-old midfield player has been called into the Irish squad to play Yugoslavia

  • Righting wrongs of the past

    There are very few people still around who can tell us what it was really like to be amid the mud, blood, misery and din of the First World War trenches. Today, Armistice Day, we carry Guiseley man Harry Holmes's story of the events he endured in that

  • Love in their eyes

    A love affair was behind a move north for London opticians Reiner and Keeler. When Harold Fenn first joined the firm, little did he realise that within a short time he would be opening a shop in his girlf's home town of Bradford, or that the move would

  • Jogn Sugden: Designs on Success

    Businesses never stand still or so they shouldn't. Whether you are a new company or established, change is a fact of life. It happens every day. The cumulative impact of such changes puts pressure on corporate identity systems. Without direction and control

  • The bug that won't go away

    Firms can no longer afford to ignore the Millennium Bug says Ian Bowness. THE MILLENNIUM is just 16 months away and it could bring disaster to businesses in Bradford. The Year 2000 problem stems from the early days of computing when memory space was at

  • Jim Appleby: Past Times

    When Bradford was in its pomp as the world's wool capital, it depended on a steady supply of its staple raw material from around the world. South America, New Zealand and Australia were the main suppliers and daily ships docked loaded with raw wool, straight

  • Jodie fosters dreams of singing fame

    Talented Jodie Adamson is in grave danger of becoming a pop star. For the Bradford schoolgirl has been chosen from thousands of young songwriters to take part in a new BBC television show. And the 15-year-old finds the peace and quiet of Thornton Cemetery

  • It's your chance to help shape future

    People are being invited to influence how their communities develop in the next 12 months when Keighley area panel holds its annual conference. Up to 90 residents are expected to attend the event at Keighley College on Saturday - almost double the number

  • People's war on the louts

    Manningham people are being urged not to give up hope after the Bonfire Night disturbances. Community workers and members of the Manningham Mills Community Association urged residents to keep a positive outlook and help get rid of the area's negative