Three Keighley men are to face trial on multiple charges of supplying heroin, crack cocaine, and cocaine.

Nahmaan Sakander, Naveed Hussain, and Haroon Ishaq all pleaded not guilty of conspiracy to supply Class A drugs – heroin, crack cocaine, and cocaine - between June 20 and November 14, 2023, when they appeared at Bradford Crown Court on Thursday.

Sakander also pleaded not guilty to possessing criminal property – a quantity of cash – on April 15 this year.

Sakander, 42, of Southlands Drive, and Hussain, 34, of Chatsworth Street, appeared via video link from HMP Leeds. Ishaq, 34, of Skipton Road, was in the dock.

His Honour Judge Jonathan Rose set a 10-day trial to start on September 16.

Sakander and Hussain were remanded in custody. Ishaq was released on conditional bail.

All three men were arrested as part of a large-scale police operation that targeted county lines drug-dealing between West Yorkshire and North Yorkshire.

More than 60 people were arrested following an 18-month investigation.

Many more people will appear in court over the coming weeks.