SIR - A new Council so please, let's have a few new ideas.

A lake is a great thing for amusement and entertaining in a park, but a town or city centre is for business and commerce to make profit for its Council and people.

It does not matter whether it is filled with coffee bars, dress shops or even lap-dancing clubs as long as they make a profit for the town. A lake makes nothing at a vast cost.

With regard to the Council, these people are supposed to work together for their and our benefit.

The former lot seemed to comprise a Conservative lady whose main job was to appear in your newspaper as many times as possible, and a Labour man intent in taking his bat home and not playing if he did not get his way, however daft it was.

Please, leave these ways to parliament. Councils need co-operation between all parties for the good of the city.

W E Oates, Station Road, Queensbury