SIR - Both Sir John Major and Justine Greening MP (two Conservatives for whom I have respect) have called for a “People's Vote” (in effect a second referendum) on Britain 's membership of the EU.

It is now over two years since the first referendum and the UK electorate has been able to learn a lot more about the pros and cons of Brexit than they knew in June 2016.

What has become clear in the intervening years is that the Brexiters had no common plan as to what to do if they won and that the promises that they made to voters were false and could never be fulfilled.

Despite this, Mrs May and her government have set their face hard against any second referendum. This betrays, I think, the weakness of their position. “Leave” won in a deeply flawed vote with, amongst other things, a gerrymandered franchise. Re-run the vote with a now better informed public and a better bulwarks against the sort of lies that were influential last time, and “Remain” would surely win. Opinion polls show that the tectonic plates of public opinion have already shifted.

To attempt to refuse a second vote at this point is not an endorsement of democracy – it is a flat denial.

John Cole, Oakroyd Terrace, Baildon