SIR - It is bemusing that the visit of President Trump to the UK has given rise to an outbreak of self-righteous protests; many of those taking part claim to be offended by his values and beliefs.

Mr Trump had been accused of misogyny, which is defined as a hatred of women. However Mr Trump's past indiscretions seem to reveal more of a chauvinistic or disrespectful attitude, which however regrettable is not synonymous with hatred.

Mr Trump had been accused of "racism", a term which is deployed so extensively and loosely that it has become virtually void of significance. He has been so accused because he is taking resolute action to prevent illegal immigration and has expressed his opposition to militant Islam. Mr Trump has also taken the opportunity to express his concerns that mass immigration has proved detrimental to Europe as a whole.

Mr Trump certainly lacks the gifts of conventional diplomacy, and has taken the opportunity of criticising Mrs May's Brexit plans, as well as Europe for failing to contribute adequately towards the financing of NATO. However a more direct and frank approach offers a very interesting and welcome departure from official protocol and may yet give rise to concrete results.

Alec Suchi, Allerton Road, Bradford