SIR - The undignified personal attack that former Lib Dem Councillor and fanatical anti-Brexit campaigner John Cole made on our local MP Philip Davies (T&A letters, June 21) also suffered from being untrue.

Mr Cole suggested that Philip Davies had spoken in Parliament to block a Bill which was designed to prevent excessive force being used on patients in mental health institutions. This is wrong on both counts. Firstly the Bill was not about that (it is already illegal to use excessive force), and if Mr Cole had bothered to read the debate he would have known that Philip supported this Bill and was trying to improve it.

Indeed the Labour MP who introduced the Bill made clear he agreed with what Philip Davies was seeking to do. The Bill was not blocked and will become law very soon. It is a shame that Mr Cole can’t remove his political blinkers and find out the facts. He owes Philip Davies an apology.

Cllr Mike Pollard, Conservative - Baildon Ward, Moorfield Drive, Baildon