SIR - Keith Thompson's weekly column in the T&A is always a must-read. Recently, he was absolutely correct in condemning those politicians in the UK who want to see a third runway at Heathrow in London. In addition, he went on to say that the cost of flying for travellers needs to be doubled. You can well imagine the reaction of many to this idea! It is certainly a good example of a response to man-made climate change that I once described on this page as being "difficult...and highly unpopular."

But, so far, most government responses have been within the range of easily-doable to mildly inconvenient. Politicians are always highly aware of what will alienate the voters. But, unless we now move up to the next 'level' of responses, including the unpopular, we will fail to properly tackle the biggest threat to our planet. For, despite their present actions, governments around the world have either failed to grasp or chosen to ignore the full implications of climate change. Crucially, they have also failed to explain to and convince their own populations of its implications and serious consequences.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose