SIR - It is noticeable Mr Hall chooses to present himself as the last bastion of defence against sinister forces conspiring to subvert democracy (T&A, February 3).

Mr Hall takes every opportunity to assert that only 28 per cent of the population  had voted to leave the EU, as he chooses to include those not eligible to do so.

Actually 17.4m voted to leave from an electorate of 46.5m, which is 37.5 per cent of the overall total.

Mr Hall further presumes that the 27 per cent of the electorate who hadn’t voted should be considered as supporting the status quo and by extension to remain, a fallacious claim.

It could be argued that a second referendum would provide an even bigger majority to leave, but intransigent ideologues would refuse to recognise results which contradict their world view.

Alec Suchi, Allerton Road, Bradford