SIR - Responding to recent letters regarding immigration, I can see points in both arguments.
Yes, immigration is beneficial when it comes to supplying us with the necessary ready trained health professionals that we need; such workers pay their taxes fully (unlike some top CEOs and bankers), which pays for their extra population numbers. Such skills are also beneficial in other areas of employment when there are skills shortages.
Where this becomes unstuck is when immig-ration is done with bad planning, lack of consideration for local employment, resources and social needs in order to create divide and rule.
There are good examples elsewhere overseas such as Canada where if visiting cities such as Vancouver you witness a multicultural, diversely-populated city and a shining example of immigration done well. You’ll meet immigrants who are both 100 per cent proudly Canadian and 100 per cent proud of their heritage. You get a sense of many different peoples working together rather than ghettos and divided populations.
Never underestimate the power of divide and rule politics. A united working class is a scary thought for the elites and nothing divides more than such issues.
George Hitchcock, Southlands, Baildon