SIR – As a silver surfer of limited ability I have tried and failed to book online ten seats for a show at the Alhambra Theatre.

Down the years I used to call in to the ticket office and do it face to face.

Then came the telephone, so I used that facility.

Finally came the IT system! I have booked flights, bought books, booked meals and holidays but booking seats at the Alhambra... no chance!

A new password required and supplied, no good.

Another password supplied, again no good.

E-mails sent and the third new password supplied, success?

No! It now seems I have a problem with cookies which are at default, whatever that means. So it looks like I will have to trail into Bradford to join the queue at the ticket office and hope that my choice of seats is still available.

Michael T Leahy, Rowantree Avenue, Baildon