SIR – If obvious Labour apparatchik Albert Smith had watched BBC TV Question Time recently, he might have seen Labour’s hypocritical claims over how much less tax the wealthy pay under the coalition compared to their last term of office, demolished by one speaker – with Labour rep’ the Honourable Tristram Hunt MP for Stoke on Trent and Shadow Education Secretary, unable to reply?

The reason being, that under Labour the top rate of tax for 12 years and ten months was the lowest since 1945 and just 40 per cent – so with the Coalition charging 45 per cent for five years, even I who failed GCE ‘O’ Level maths in 1959 and at the re-sit that year, could easily grasp that for every pound, a millionaire paid far less tax under Labour!

Mr Smith should stick to the facts and leave the rhetoric to the politicians.

D S Boyes, Upper Rodley Lane, Leeds