SIR - After the ‘no’ vote victory in Scotland, the medias supporting the English establishment congratulated everyone on how democratic and peaceful the referendum was, but can any significant change be achieved through the so-called democratic rules of the establishment?

Salvador Allende’s Socialist-Communist Government in Chile, 11th of September 11, 1973, is a proof that the Parliamentary voting system works only when the establishment wins elections.

With a ‘yes’ vote winning the referendum last week, the reality, far from being the Socialist paradise that was painted by the Scottish Social-democracy supporters of Nationalism in Scotland, would have been simply a race to the bottom, as the English, and the new independent Scottish governments would compete to attract international investments to prove their obedience to monopoly capitalism: low wages, low corporation taxes, reduction for workers’ rights, cancellation of environmental regulations, etc.

An eventual break-up of the United Kingdom would have carried the prospect of an even faster erosion of the rights for the working class, helping the upper-middle class to lower workers’ pay and rights more quickly than if they had to continue with a full-frontal attack on the entire British workforce in one go.

Alain Fissore, Partito Comunista, British branch, Sezione Pietro Secchia, Leeds