SIR – Two new cases of polio were reported in Karachi, Pakistan this week; taking the total number of those affected by the disease to 160 in the country this year.

Pakistan is one of the few remaining nations living with the threat of polio and these fresh occurrences come as a blow to eradication and vaccination efforts in the greater region.

As chief executive of The British Polio Fellowship I would like to offer my support to Pakistan and other affected nations in their continuous battle to be rid of polio – but although the last new case in Britain was two decades ago, the world is still not polio-free.

Here, we still have our own battle to fight. Some 120,000 people in the UK are still living with the late effects of polio and Post Polio Syndrome (PPS) and it is our duty to support those affected.

Whilst nations still affected by polio continue with their battle to eradicate the disease, we will continue our fight to raise awareness of PPS. To find out more visit

Ted Hill MBE, CEO of The British Polio Fellowship