SIR - Yet another Tory MP and minister throwing the towel in on grounds that he can’t manage on the wages etc he gets!

With a ministerial salary of £90,000 plus his wife allegedly on £25,000 as his secretary, plus £27,000 ‘overnight’ expenses for an occasional night in London, what do these people want many - workers - must be asking?

That gentleman ought to try being an international transport driver, then he’d know what hardship is: Overnight money only £30 odd - that’s all food etc with ‘leisure’ time spent 1,000 miles from home often on urine soaked tarmac - unpleasant when the sun comes up - or some isolated windswept lay-by with not even running water let alone toilet facilities, and only tin opener cuisine available.

Then once on the way home, often the dreaded phone call from base telling of yet another re-load so it’s turn round and go back again!

As a retired driver/contractor I know which job I’d prefer?

D S Boyes, Upper Rodley Lane, Leeds