SIR - Good old Mike Pollard! (T&A, July 22) it’s always a pleasure to hear from a new devotee Tory (like any convert, his zeal is very apparent).

The history behind what was going on in the 70s began in Chile in 1973, where, the CIA organised a fascist coup which brought to power the nefarious General Pinochet.

Chile was the human laboratory for the most radical economic experiment of modern times where ‘hard-core free market economics’ was imposed on the hapless population.

Dissenters were imprisoned, tortured, and many thousands were murdered by Pinochets’ thugs.

Because the UK is a democracy, it was only possible to impose a diluted version of the plan in this country.

So, all the treasonous skulduggery in the late 70s, was simply the ‘establishment’ clearing the decks for their heroine, Thatcher, to come and redeem us all Geopolitical watchers will observe that the US (and EU) have organised a re-run of the 1973 experiment in Ukraine, where a neo-nazi government has been imposed on the population in advance of the country being asset-stripped by US corporations (all supported to the hilt by Mr Pollards’ Tory Party)

Christopher Hindle, Osterley Grove , Bradford