SIR - Mr Netanyahu is an intelligent man so why is he not acting like an intelligent leader?

When the Jewish military were occupying Gaza they could not defeat the Palestinian freedom fighters and because they were losing so many of their soldiers dead and injured and the military were pulled out of Gaza. Why does Mr Netanyahu think he can defeat the Palestinians in Gaza from outside? He is allowed to be so inhuman because of his political supporters needing him to act inhumanely.

He actively cannot afford to care about the numbers of children, the sick, the mothers, wives, grand parents etc he is directing his military to kill other wise he will lose his position as head of a political party.

He can arrogantly carry on in danger of being charged with war crimes until and only until those in opposition tell him he has lost enough Israeli soldiers dead and injured and captured. Then he will stop. But how many innocent Palestinians will he have killed by then?

Alan Holdsworth, Samside Close, Parkway