SIR – After reading Colin Spencer’s excoriating yet completely misguided review of my opinions (Letters, July 19) – with it being 35 years since Mrs Thatcher came to power after the infamous Winter of Discontent, not only on the votes of true blue Tories but those of millions or ordinary workers – I wonder if he could enlighten the rest of us why ‘New’ Labour didn’t right such wrongs in its 13 years of government.

Because I can’t recall them restoring manufacturing or re-opening the coal mines, etc, only that Tony Blair ended the principle of nationalisation by advocating removal of Clause 4 from Labour’s rule book. Also failed to repeal Tory ‘Right to Buy Council Homes’ legislation.

That when Labour wasn’t planning mass immigration from all corners of the world, which is the main cause of today’s unemployment, housing shortage and excessive pressure on the NHS and school places, prison accommodation, etc.

In addition to which Labour turned a blind eye to the excesses of the bankers and City of London spivs with light touch regulation which led to the crash of 2008.

D S Boyes, Upper Rodley Lane, Leeds