SIR - Once again the Jewish nation is taking every opportunity to kill Palestinian Arabs in Gaza.

The “hundreds” of rockets fired into Israel are more like home made fireworks that are hardly ever on target and land mainly in the Sidon Desert.

In the last six years of thousands of these weapons being fired from Gaza four Israelis have died.

On the other hand sophisticated laser guided rockets fired from aircraft with devastating explosive powers have killed more than 1,500 men, women and children, destroyed thousands of homes, public buildings, food warehouses, parts of schools and hospitals, destroyed power supplies, and water services.

The Israeli government is blocking MAP, Medical Aid to Pakistan’s supplies to the dying and injured. This kind of retaliation by a nuclear power nation on vulnerable Gazans is totally evil and continues to lose support from more and more people of its own nation.

The UN must stop it.

Alan Holdsworth, Samside Close, Parkway