SIR – John Hall (Letters, April 10) is justified in highlighting Labour’s dalliance with privatisation during their time in government. And I would go further than him in describing it as ‘disappointing.’ The saddest thing is that many people in this country would like to see a real government-ready alternative emerging to counter the sort of ‘Thatcherite’ policies which have held sway for too long.

‘T.I.N.A’ (there is no alternative) seems to have been served up so often that for many voters they see no point in casting their vote and democracy itself is suffering.

There is so much in this country that needs to be done, from working to reduce inequalities to sustainable environmental practices. Today, many people have become cynical and highly-sceptical of politicians, but not without good reason.

The next General Election should offer a real choice between the Conservative vision, with which we’ve all become only too well accustomed and something very different, more positive and all-inclusive.

The ‘Tory-lite’ approach to opposition-a little bit less ‘Conservative’ and carried out a little bit less quickly-is NOT the answer.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose