Within the world there are many religions which all have one point in common – God. There are many different names used, but in the end it is the same “Unknowable Being” which many name as God or Allah – The Creator of the Universe.

Throughout history, God has revealed Himself to humanity through a series of divine messengers – each of whom has founded a great religion. The messengers have included Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha’u’llah (the founder of the Baha’i faith).

By listening to other faiths we learn that the world’s great religious leaders have guided humanity in the past. The moral code of the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule has found their expression in nearly every religious tradition.

Our differences are often cultural, rather than spiritual, and meeting and talking to others will widen our knowledge of other faiths. The messengers, in Baha’u’llah’s words are, “Manifestations of God”. The Manifestations are perfect mirrors of God’s attributes and perfection, providing a pure channel for the communication of God’s will for humanity.

Listen we must! I remember a person of some seniority when I was working, who used the phrase “I hear you” when we had staff meetings – but was that person really listening? I think not! We must take the time and make the effort to listen and understand other faiths if we are to progress in God’s Kingdom.

Interfaith gatherings offer us the opportunity to explore faiths and religion other than the path we are currently following.

Technology has allowed us to hear and view the world in ways that even 50 years ago were unheard of. Modern inventions give us the opportunity to have a dialogue with people at the other side of the world, those living in a different culture and following a different faith.

Only by listening and learning will we be able to understand God’s will. The challenge now is to free ourselves from the limited identities and creeds of the past and to build together the foundations of global civilization.


* Today: Touchstone Hooray Day! – at the former McRory’s Bar, 4 Easby Road, Bradford – 2pm to 6pm – Fun and games for all, including workshops, craft, stalls and refreshments. Free admission – donations towards refurbishing our new premises welcome.