Let no-one labour under the impression that the actions of a group calling themselves Britain First are contributing in any way to sensible or democratic debate on issues such as immigration or race in this country today.

By handing out provocative and inflammatory leaflets in and around mosques in the Bradford area the members of this far-right organisation are merely trying to stir up trouble.

Their actions are purely designed to create divisions in our communities rather than opening lines of communication, and damage any genuine attempt at reasonable discussion.

These agitators are apparently all from outside the area. They have nothing to do with our community, and simply want to stir up trouble.

With their cod-military imagery that speaks of “brigades”, “units” and “operations”, Britain First is evidently trying to provoke trouble by using the language of confrontation.

Police are currently investigating Britain First’s actions and if any offences have been committed then they will be dealt with in the proper way. It is difficult to turn the other cheek sometimes, but ignoring these people will cause them far more damage than rising to their bait. We have been here before, most recently when the English Defence League tried to organise a rally in Bradford which turned out to be little more than a damp squib, in no small part due to the way our community responded to it – by refusing to acknowledge their presence and simply behaving as if they were not here.

As the joint statement issued by the Council states: ‘All right-thinking Bradfordians will reject Britain First’s deliberate, provocative attempt to try and create division and hatred amongst the people of Bradford.’ That way, this latest attempt to destabilise our community can only end in failure.