When we think of drug addicts most of us often picture listless individuals lolling in squalid flats with syringes full of heroin bought with the proceeds of petty crime.

But far more seemingly innocent medicines are causing a massive problem in Bradford, ranging from heroin substitute methadone to something as simple as over-the-counter cough syrup.

The trade in prescription drugs generally used as pain relief or to treat a variety of common conditions is booming, with the internet offering up unprecedented opportunities for people to buy them without going to their GP.

And the stark fact is that the contents of the average household medicine cabinet can be as addictive and life-ruining as heroin or crack-cocaine.

Today we begin an investigation into the black market for prescription and over-the-counter drugs which can also include sleeping aids, antihistamines used to combat allergies and hay-fever, and drugs prescribed for anxiety.

The internet is a big factor, but not purely to blame – where there is a perceived need for these drugs, suppliers will step into the void and obtain them by hook or by crook to pass on to addicted customers.

GPs and doctors’ surgeries must be given as much help as possible in identifying people who are obtaining prescriptions for the purposes of abusing the medicines themselves or for selling on to addicts, and action must be taken to properly police the websites which seek to circumvent the medical process by offering these drugs for sale without prescriptions.

If it continues to spiral out of control, this could be a problem to rival the illegal drugs with which we are all familiar – and may taint many more lives.