Ten thousand Bradfordians opposed to the proposed English Defence League (EDL) march in the city centre will have their voices heard by the Home Secretary.

Members of Bradford Together – a banner organisation seeking a ban on the far-right group – were travelling to London today with a petition backing their aims.

Paul Meszaros, who has co-ordinated the Telegraph & Argus-backed campaign, will hand the 10,000-name document to Home Secretary Theresa May.

It will show the strength of feeling against the EDL, which intends to bring its supporters to Bradford on Saturday, August 28.

The T&A Back the Ban campaign was started to prevent any groups stoking violence in our city and has been supported by Christian and Muslim leaders, politicians, peace activists and Bradfordians of all walks of life.

Mr Meszaros will travel with Hope not Hate organiser Lorraine Fitzsimons and anti-fascist campaigner and magazine editor Nick Lowles.

He said: “We have had an overwhelming response to the petition from the people of Bradford, who have said in no uncertain terms that they do not want to see outsiders coming to this city intent on causing damage.”