SIR – Re surface water drainage.

I refer to Mr Wentworth’s letter of March 22 in which he’s realised he’s being charged for surface water drainage on his water bill.

This is a curious charge indeed since Yorkshire Water already charge for taking waste water away.

It turns out that this charge is not for rainwater falling on your roof and draining into the system, but it is, as it says, for all the surface water falling on your property.

Since most of the rainwater is absorbed into your garden (if you have one) or is absorbed directly into the ground it’s an absolute scandal that this charge exists at all.

I took it up with Yorkshire Water shortly after moving to Bradford eight years ago. It’s a fairly simple procedure. They ask you to do a diagram of your property and the number of grates you have to transport this surface water away.

The result is that my water bill now reads: ‘not connected for surface water drainage - no charge’. I’d advise everyone to query it and then maybe they’ll scrap this ridiculous charge. I’ve saved nearly £300.

B Oliver, Middlebrook Hill, Bradford