SIR – We tend to forget that the American Expeditionary Force went into action during the First World War 100 years ago on Monday, May 28, at the Battle of Cantigny, 1918. The US 1st Division (numbering about 4,000 doughboys) were selected as they were the most experienced American soldiers in France, having spent months in reserve with the French Army.

At 0645 the American troops left their trenches after an hour-long artillery barrage which not only destroyed part of the German front line but also nullified the German artillery. Following a rolling barrage (100 metres every two minutes), the Americans attacked uphill aided by French Schneider tanks. By 0700 the village of Cantigny was taken and 250 prisoners captured at a cost of 50 casualties. As the Americans pushed beyond the village, they began to take casualties from German defenders emerging from dug-outs, that is they were shot from behind. The Germans now counter-attacked all day. All these attacks were repulsed. Counter-attacks continued until May 30 by which time the division had taken 1,600 casualties.

The American soldiers had shown they were capable and brave, well-led troops.

Peter J Palmer, Buttermere Road, Bradford