HEADTEACHER of St Mary's Menston has been presented with a plaque recognising the school's commitment to the Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

Darren Beardsley was recently invited to Buckingham Palace to celebrate the Duke of Edinburgh Award Diamond Anniversary.

He was presented with a plaque to recognise the school’s commitment to providing the opportunity to participate in Duke of Edinburgh activities. The event was attended by The Duke of Edinburgh, The Earl and Countess of Essex and other Duke of Edinburgh trustees, as well as 1,000 Gold Award holders.

St Mary's has run training and expeditions for the Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award levels for a number of years.

Duke of Edinburgh Awards are recognised by universities and employers alike as the mark of a young person who is prepared to make a commitment and ‘go the extra mile’ to achieve their goals. A Gold Award opens doors to new jobs, cements life-long friendships, broadens interests and stretches horizons.

Mr Beardsley said: “The Duke of Edinburgh Award enables our students to develop a wide range of skills and also provides a service to the local community.

"I would like to thank the students for the way they embrace the opportunities the award provides, but also thank the staff who give up an incredible amount of time to support the students.”

The St Mary’s Silver Qualifying Expedition took place last week. A total of 24 students took part in a three-day expedition, starting in Settle and ending in Burnsall, supervised by staff member, Sue Keinhorst.

Four sixth form students will take part in the Gold Practice Expedition in July. Overseen by Stuart Lancaster, the group will walk from Kettlewell to Barningham in four days.