CANDLES were lit at a special ceremony in Bradford today to remember the victims and survivors of the Holocaust and other genocides.

The City Hall ceremony, organised by Bradford Council, was led by Denise Poole, Chaplain to the Bishop of Bradford and more than 100 people were in attendance.

Civic and Council dignitaries as well as representatives of Bradford's Jewish community were among those who lit candles and pledged to never forget the Holocaust nor forget its lessons.

Representatives of other communities and groups in the district, such as Central and Eastern European communities, Gypsies, disabled people, faith groups, trade unions, modern day genocides, gay, lesbian and bisexual groups, were also invited.

They were also joined by representatives of the Ukrainian Holodomor famine and Bosnian Srebrenica genocide victims.

Rudi Leavor, chairman of the Bradford Synagogue, sang the Jewish mourning song, El Male Rachamim, to close the ceremony.