THE NEW Bishop of Bradford enjoyed his first official duties today when he carried out a baptism and confirmation service in the city's cathedral.

"This is my first piece of proper bishoping!" Rt Revd Toby Howarth told the congregation at the start of the special service to confirm six young people and five adults, baptising three of the eleven candidates.

In the Church of England, only bishops can carry out the ceremony when Christians make or ‘confirm’ their adult faith and receive prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirit after the laying on of hands.

"This feels like my first day 'at work' as this is something only bishops do and it is a special day for me and for those people who are being confirmed.

"It is a very significant moment in the journey of faith of those being baptised and confirmed - and I find it moving that many are members of the choir who are engaging in a personal way with what they are singing.

“It is a privilege to be part of the ongoing work in local congregations.

"The Cathedral itself can sometimes be thought of as just a place for big events, but here is a reminder that it also has a lively and growing congregation where people are taking significant decisions to follow Jesus,” Bishop Toby said.

He said since arriving in the Bradford he had been struck by the heartfelt warmth of its welcome.