Fintan Shevlin gives a brave performance as the wounded but waspish Hedwig, East German migrant and survivor of a botched sex change operation leaving her with the titular “angry inch”.

Her story is told as an extended monologue, questioning identity and the search for love via compelling songs such as the intense, slow-building Origin Of Love.

Under the musical direction of Moog Gravett, live rock ’n’ roll band The Angry Inch ably soundtrack the performance while also conveying their unruly characters, amid numerous empty bottles.

Ben Pritchard is appealing as the shy, stammering fundamentalist Christian seduced by the tender Wicked Little Town and made over into leather-clad rock god Tommy Gnosis.

Izzy Mackenzie makes a tense, tormented Yitzhak, resentfully swigging vodka until the triumphant Midnight Radio breakthrough.

Many of the audience were clearly fans of the cult musical and mouthed along with the lyrics, eagerly tapped their feet and joining in enthusiastically with the singalong Wig In A Box.

Director Frank Leon’s sensitive lighting and minimal props easily change the New Venture atmosphere from rock gig to claustrophobic trailer park to intimate cabaret show.

Despite a few opening-night nerves and moments when the lyrics weren’t completely audible, this is an exciting production.