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* - A Grade
** - A* Grade

S Ali bu, so, L3SC(1)++;  C Allatt gr, ch, hi;  R Allen ec, ma, SS(1)++;  G Anderton bi, fa, gy;  C Armstrong gr, SS(1)++, gy;  A Aziz bi, ma, py*;  H Bahar bu, enl, so;  R Bailey el, mu*, gp;  J Bambrough fa, so, SS(1)++;  T Bardsley-Ellis cp, ec, ma, ph;  A Barker gy, ma*, rs;  M Bateson enl, me, pf++++, py;  E Batt ch*, cp*, ma*, fm*;  A Begum bi*, py**, gp**;  L Bell gy, ma, ph;  E Berry gr, pd, me;  U Bibi bu, rs, so;  R Bower bu, py, SS(1)++;  C Braid bu, ec, gy;  L Braithwaite-Vare ec, gy, py*;  R Brill L3SC(1)+, py;  J Briscoe gy, rs, so;  S Butt el, rs, so;  E Butterworth ec*, enl, rs*;  T Caink ma, py*, SS(1)++;  M Cameron ec, gy, SS(1)++;  M Clements hi, me, py;  J Crossley bi**, ma**, fm*, ph**;  E Devlin fa, ph, rs*;  L Duckworth gr, bu, so;  Sa Evans ec, ma, gp;  So Evans enl, py, so;  J Firth gr, enl, hi;  S Fitzgerald bi, ch, ma, py;  G Flerin el*, hi, gp; P Francis gy, py*, SS(1)++;  A Furze ec**, ma**, ph*;  L Garrard bu, gy, SS(1)++;  L Gott ec*, hi, SS(1)++;  W Grace bi, hi, ma, SS(1)++; G Green el*, hi, gp;  E Halliday enl, fa, pf++++, py;  A Hans L3SC(1)++, bu*, el, so;  M Hardaker enl, me, pf+;  J Hardy enl, fa, py;  B Harris bi, ch, ma;  Y Hassan bi*, ch, ma, rs*;  R Haymes gr*, hi, py**;  C Hird el, gp, rs;  G Hird enl, hi, me, pf+++;  I Holmes bu, fa, SS(1)++;  J Howker bu, gy, hi;  M Hughes bi, ch*, ma*;  J Huntington ch*, cp*, ma*;  I Hussain ch, hi;  D Hutchinson el, gp, rs;  J Hutchinson el, hi, so*; Z Iqbal L3SC(1)++, pd, fa, rs;  B Jacobs bu, enl, hi;  S Jan bi, ec, so;  R Johns-Bishop bi, el, hi; B Johnston gy, py, SS(1)++;  E Jones fa, gy, pf++++; J Jones ma**, fm*, mu**, ph**;  B Jordan me, pf+++, gp;  W Jowett bu, ec, gy;  G Kay bu, gy, SS(1)++;  I Kelley gr*, ma, fm, rs;  K Khan enl, fa, py;  L King ec*, el*, gp*;  J Kundi L3SC(1)++, bu*, so;  I Lad bi, ch*, ma*;  E Lambert bi, ch, ma;  H Lawrence ec, gy, hi;  L Lawrence cp*, ma*, ph*, epq;  A Leach fa*, gy, me;  J Li enl, me, py*, so*;  K Loach bi*, fa*, hi*, gp*;  C Lynch bu*, gy, so;  U Mahmood bu*, ec, gy;  N Margerison bu, gy, SS(1)++;  S Mawson pf+++, SS(1)++, so;  E Medd gr**, gp, rs;  S Miskin ch*, ma*, ph;  M Narayn-Lee hi, pf++, gp, rs*;  S Nicholl gr, bu, me;  M Nixon ch, ma, ph;  A Nutting hi, me, so;  A Ormondroyd cp**, ma**, fm**, ph**;  J Pace bu, gy, SS(1)++;  E Palframan bi*, ma, py*;  S Patel bu, rs, so;  E Peace bi, enl, py;  J Peters mu, py, so;  O Preston pf++, SS(1)+;  H Qurban bi, ch, ec;  C Raistrick gr*, cp, ma;  H Rana bi, ch*, ma*;  A Rowlands bi, mu, py;  S Russell el**, gp, rs;  R Sanderson bi, gy, py;  V Sanderson bi, gy, py, so;  N Sayers gy, py, so;  E Short ch*, ma**, ph*;  A Sian bi*, ch*, py**;  A Smith bu**, cp, ec**, ma, fm;  O Smith bu, gy, hi;  E Southwart bu, enl, so; C Thacker enl, py, rs;  H Thompson bu, enl, so;  T Thorp el*, hi, gp;  G Trueman me, pf+++, gp;  J Tse ec*, ma**, gp;  A Turner-Desai el**, gp, so*; J Waterhouse bu*, ec, gy, ma;  E Webb bi, py*, SS(1)++;  B West el, hi, so*;  P Williamson el*, hi, gp*;  G Willoughby hi, me, pf++++;  M Wilson L3SC(1), pd, el, so;  A Winteridge L3SC(1)+, el, rs, so;  A Wood-Tonks bi, hi, gp;  B Woodyatt el, fa, gy; M Wright hi, gp, py.