SIR - On July 21 this year it will be 55 years to the day when Neil Armstrong said those memorable words, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”, as he stepped onto the surface of the moon.

What was amazing is that we, on Earth, could hear and see him. Communication through space is fascinating.

One of your reporters, Helen Mead, must have first-hand knowledge. It is quite clear that she lives on another planet, as she believes that it takes two to three months to get a GP appointment.

Using the PATCHS online form on two different Sunday afternoons led to appointments at my local medical centre within two hours of their opening the next morning.

Computerisation of medical records, including blood test results, and the introduction of electronic prescriptions, allows GPs to consult medical records quickly, and to concentrate on patients. Patients can now access their own medical records, and test results, through the NHS app.

We will be told, no doubt, by those who use meaningless words like “elderly”, that older people cannot use the internet. That view is not shared by Age UK.

Clive Richardson, Bronte Old Road, Thornton