AN appeal to convert the In Bread sandwich shop and a barber shop off Wakefield Road into a pharmacy has been dismissed by a planning inspector.

Earlier this year, planning officers at Bradford Council refused an application to convert the two businesses, at 2 and 2a New Hey Road, into a pharmacy with a first-floor extension where stock would be stored.

It was the first floor extension, rather than the use as a pharmacy, that caused concerns for planners.

They argued the extension would be an “unsympathetic addition” to the area and overshadow neighbouring properties.

Applicant Al-Ghani Limited appealed this refusal, calling for a Government planning inspector to reconsider Bradford Council’s decision.

Their original application said: “The location for the pharmacy has been chosen due to its strategic location near to a doctor’s surgery and within walking distance of a substantial residential population.

“The applicant currently operates a pharmacy as a tenant from 43 Coventry Street named Blackstone Pharmacy. Their plan is to relocate to 2/2a New hey Road into their own premises that would be in a closer catchment area to other complimentary services.”

Their appeal added: “The proposed extension will not appear as an obtrusive and discordant addition as it would sit comfortably within the plot, and the design, bulk, and general appearance would be in keeping with the character of the area and with the street scene.

“It has been carefully considered, accurately surveyed and clearly illustrated and proven that there would be no adverse impacts to residential amenity for existing residents.”

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The units that would be replaced with a pharmacyThe units that would be replaced with a pharmacy (Image: Newsquest)

But planning inspector M Ollerenshaw has now dismissed this appeal, saying there was no evidence that the proposed pharmacy could not be based in a more suitable building.

They said: “The substantial increase in the height of the existing structure and the change in levels means that neighbours would face a large expanse of walling.

“The proposal would be likely to appear over dominant and oppressive when viewed from these neighbours’ windows and rear gardens and be unacceptably harmful to their outlook.

“The extension would be a dominant feature and have an overshadowing effect on another neighbour’s rear garden and those further along the row to a lesser degree.

“I conclude that the proposed development would be harmful to the living conditions of the neighbouring occupiers on New Hey Road and Coventry Street.

“The development would offer social and economic benefits in terms of providing a new pharmacy facility in an accessible location. However, on the basis of the evidence before me, I am not convinced that the appeal scheme is the only means of providing this facility or that there are no less harmful options available.”